Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

Edward became colder over the last few days and I wasn't the only one to notice it. Alice, Japser, Emmett, Rosalie left the next day after the incident on Bella's birthday. Carlisle and Esme the following day.

Alice told me to hurry up and make my mind up about joining them. She didn't want to lose me like they would lose the human Bella. I could tell that it hurt her that she couldn't stick around for Bella.

I understood why they didn't get close to humans.

Bella showed me the pictures that she had taken and the envelop that she would send to her mom. I knew that if Edward saw how thick it was that he'd take the pictures that she put in it and destroy the ones that had him in it. He was preparing to leave and didn't want Bella to have any reminders of him.

She understood that I couldn't tell her anything about eh Cullen's. It wasn't my place and I wasn't part of their family. Instead she just let me be a friend for her when it seemed that Edward was putting a distance between them.

Bella had three sets developed and gave me the third set. She said Alice had told her that I took pictures to recall events that happened and to remember the people that I meet in my long life. She wanted me to put them in my album that I would make for this small rainy town of Forks.

It wasn't easy but I agreed and put it in my backpack. I stayed that night much to Charlies excitement and approval. He was happy that Bella had me over and that I would often ask to stay the night.

Though when we went to bed I would leave and let Edward take my place.

That night was different because Edward hadn't shown up and I didn't leave. I watched Bella fall into a restless sleep and knew that she was tearing herself up inside because of that vampire.

Finally the day that Edward would completely break the human came hours later. I ignored the male when we got to Forks high-school and instead went start to Mike to discuss the homework that we had gotten the day before. I was still against how he was handling this whole situation and thought the human deserved better.

She had barely hurt herself and he was being dramatic about it.

School passed quickly and I watched as Edward took the envelop and bid Bella a swift and short goodbye. I lend against his car with my arms folded and stared at him with disapproval. I said nothing as we got into his car.

Nothing as he did what I predicted and took the pictures that involved him out before sealing it back up. Nothing as he arrived to Bella's house before she did.

"I'll take it so you two can talk alone." I said, Edward nodding.

He got out as Bella's truck pulled up and I took his spot. I pulled out of her driveway waving at Bella before speeding off down the road. I didn't want to see heartbreak that would happen.

I didn't want to see Bella's pain.

I parked his car outside of the now deserted house and waited. My backpack still sat in the backseat untouched. My mind still riled with the different possibilities that could happen.

I could remain in town and continue my act.

I could leave and join Alice in some wild adventure.

I could return back to Klaus and let him do what he has wanted for such a long time.

I could go visit Elijah and drink my worries away.

There was so many things that I could do and yet I didn't know what to do. I didn't know if I wanted to leave Bella when I knew her heart would break into a million pieces because of Edward. I didn't know if I wanted to remain with the vampire family that was so different from my own.

By the time Edward arrived I had my bag out of his car and next to my bike. I stared at him with a cold unreadable expression. I could see the pain on his face and knew he had done what he claimed he needed to do.

He knew without me saying or even thinking it.

He knew my decision.

"You're staying."

I nodded, looking from him and towards the sky. We still had a few hours before it got dark.

"Yes. You might not believe me but I know what it's like to have a broken heart, Edward. That girl - that human - she doesn't deserve to feel that amount of pain alone. When you lose someone you love it feels as if your heart is getting ripped out and tore into pieces. Each breath is harder to take then the last one. You no longer know why you're alive and if there was a true point to you being here." I sighed, straightening my back. "Our emotions as vampires are stronger then a humans but can you imagine not being able to stop yourself from feeling? You can block it out but she cant. She'll never heal over the lose of you but I can help make it a little less painful."

Edward nodded, looking at my bag and bike. "Protect her." He said.

"Always." I agreed, pulling my bag against my back. "As long as I'm in this town, Edward, I'll protect that human. But I will have to leave in a few days to keep my promise to Alice to visit her. She apparently already knew my decision before I did."

A forced chuckle escaped him.

"She does see the future."

I got onto my bike and pulled the helmet up. "Take care, Edward. If all goes well you'll track down that female vampire and destroy her before she returns to harm Bella. And if not there's still a chance I'll be here unless Alice conveniences me to not return." I pulled the helmet over my head and kicked the bike to a start.

They would've let me stay in the house but I couldn't. In the time that I've been here memories were made and I didn't want those memories to haunt me as I protect a human that I hadn't care for before.

I didn't even know why I was staying behind to protect Bella.

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