(11) Werewolves - Past

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350-year-old Bella - Time Period

The horses carried us over the land, the sun beating down from high in the sky. Signs of life was far between each time we stopped to rest. It was like the land around us was completely empty of human activity.

Elijah rode ahead of me as we continued to search for signs of Klaus and Rebekah. The two of them had gone off on their own even though we had advised against it. Neither sibling willing to actually listen to the smart two.

"Brother, do you really believe that they made it this far?" I called out, waving my hand to try and cool myself down. "It is rather hot out today. Maybe we should rest."

He nodded, scanning around us.

I wasn't sure what he was trying to look for or find. Turning the horse I continued to follow his lead to a tree that casted some shade. I felt relief the second we got under it and from the sun.

Even if we couldn't burn with the ring it was still rather dreadful to have to be under for so long.

"I'll go and find some new horses. Rest here." Elijah advised.

"Don't worry, Elijah." I waved off his concern. "It's not like I'll leave this nice comfort for a long while. Try not to hurry back." I grinned at him as I handed him the horses reins and rested against the tree.

This was very nice indeed.

It's a surprise that Elijah had managed to find it when he did.

Sighing, I closed my eyes as the breeze gentle blew. My head rested against the tree as I waited for my brothers return so that we could begin our journey once again. I knew it would be only a few more weeks and we'd have caught up with Klaus and Rebekah.

Hopefully it wasn't too late by then.

It's been said that humans have been starting more wars lately. Sadly instead of not getting caught in the middle of one of them and getting farther away from it we were heading right to it.

Klaus seemed to love having blood on his hands.

Rebekah hide her pain away.

I heard the sound of hooves off in the distance. Opening my eyes I noticed that the sun as moved fairly quickly across the sky and that it appeared more time had passed then I first thought. Standing up I stepped forward to see Elijah coming towards my direction.

Rather we just camp for the night or move on was up to him.

If the wind hadn't shifted at the moment it did. If I hadn't known the trouble that followed us no matter where we had went. If I hadn't heard the heart beat right behind me -- things might've ended differently for them.

My nose wrinkled in disgust as I grabbed the branch they were holding. My eyes locked with the hunter brown eyes, a cold look on his face. Hatred filled his eyes as he glared down at me.

He smelled different from the others. He was also stronger then the others.

"My, my what do we have here?" I asked, my eyes going to the necklace he was wearing. "You must be related to that pack." Disgust filled me that someone actually followed Elijah and I just to try and get revenge.

That pack hadn't been worth our time in the first place.

"You killed my family." He snarled.

I stared at him with wide innocent eyes. "No, no you have it all wrong. I watched your family get slaughtered. I did not take part darling." I stepped back, waving my hand at him. "Now get lost before you put me in a bad mood. It seems I have more riding to do before the day ends."

I turned, dismissing him. He wasn't a threat to me and wouldn't be able to kill me even if he tried. He needed much more training to be able to even get a scratch on me.

Moving, I waved at my brother as he got closer.

It seems that Elijah had found us a few good horses.

I heard it behind me, his footsteps, bones cracking. I turned, seeing his teeth enlarged. I bare my own as I connected the dots.

I hated witches. They could be such pains.

A witch seemed to have helped this poor soul. He might not be able to shift completely without the full moon to guide him but it seems she helped enhance him. What a pain this was turning out to be.

He moved at me, aiming to stab the branch into me. I raised an eyebrow knowing that anger would only make him reckless and that it wasn't ideal to let it play part. Not everyone seemed to have been taught that lesson though.

I moved, my hand grabbing his shoulder and pushing him forward.

His speed was still not a match for mine. His strength still didn't equal to an ounce of mine.

No matter how enhanced he was he couldn't hope to defeat someone so much older then him.

"You killed my family!"

Did I not tell him I didn't take part. That was all Klaus.

"That, sir, is false. It was Klaus who killed them."

He spin aiming to get me once again.


It was like dance with one who couldn't do it and the other doing it for the both of them.

"Ah, I do not lie."

He missed once again. Pieces of my hair came loose.

My brother should be reaching us at any moment.

"I'll kill you."

I stepped backwards, watching as he kept pace with me.

"Sorry, darling, but I can't die yet." The branch snapped in two as I ripped it from his hands. The pieces falling to the ground. "Best behave now. My brother is usually calm but he doesn't take it so well if someone tries to kill family. Right, Elijah?"

"Is he bothering you?"

"Of course not. He's been every entertaining."

Moving I felt as the wind brushed past us in its own graceful dance. I grinned at my brother as I walked towards him. I figured the male had enough and wouldn't try another attempt as all the others failed.

Maybe my confidence had been a bit to much. I shouldn't have underestimated him. A mistake that I learned from.

Elijah turned to look in the direction of the sun. He'd judge to see how much farther we'd be able to travel before complete nightfall.

I didn't notice it at first. The pain was slow to follow as I stopped walking to figure out what had happened. My hands reach behind me liquid falling on my hand.

It was when he pulled the branch out that I felt the pain. Splinters dug into my skin, breaking lose.


By the time I turned with burning anger my brother had taken care of the male. The heart falling to the ground and next to his lifeless body.

"I was actually hoping to see if he was a werewolf." I mumbled, Elijah rolling his eyes as he grabbed my arm.

"You are are reckless as the others." He said, lowering me to the ground.

I grinned at him. "This pain is nothing to worry about. It's just a surprise that he actually managed to do any damage. I hate witches." Elijah moved around, his hands gentle touching the spot that I had been stabbed. "Just get the splinters out, brother."

I knew I wouldn't die.

And the wound wasn't more then just a scratch.

This was nothing at all.

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