(28) Being late - Present

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Chapter Twenty-Six

Third Person POV


That word wasn't in the Mikaelson vocabulary.


It was something that they didn't know anything about.

Yet at this moment that was the only feeling that Elijah could believe he was feeling. Fear that his sister was dead because of these creatures whom she had grown close to over the past few months. Fear that he would have to tell Klaus that it wasn't their father who had gotten to her first but a creature who existences shouldn't be possible.

It was something that they didn't know anything about.

Why was he feeling this fear?

It was because of the phone call that he ignored and the message that he had gotten to hours later. His sister, his Belle who was putting her life on the line because of a human whose existence meant little to him.

Elijah was on a mission to find his sister before she faced this army of vampires. She knew that if they had been their own species, their own kind, that he wouldn't have to worry about her safety because there was nothing on this earth that could kill them. Yet he knew very little of these vampires whose skin was hard and sparkled in the sunlight.

A scream shattered Elijah from his thoughts and back to the reality that he lived in. A scream that shattered his heart from the pain that was clear as day. A scream that meant only one thing -- she was alive.

"Elijah!" Tears fall from her eyes as this young girls body jerked in pain. "Make it stop." She whimpered, her hands digging into the dirt to try and distract herself.

She was surrounded by a small group of vampires and shifters, all of whom had fought alongside her in the battle against newborns. Her skills alone had impressed the group who knew nothing about her fighting abilities. Though the vampire knew that she was special and could outdo them all if she wanted to.

It had been her sharp eyes that saved one of the shifters in those last few minutes of battle. She had seen the newborn vampire but there were only two options that she had to choose between if she didn't want anyone to get hurt.

Shout out and warn the shifter, or jump in the middle and hope for the best.

"We need to move her," Alice urged, the time ticking.

Carlisle knew that wasn't an option at the moment. "We can't." He felt a great amount of pain saying this as he wanted to do nothing more than move the young girl.

The group heard as her heart picked up an unnatural and to fast of a beat.

"Her heart's stopping!" Alice shouted, staring with wide shocked eyes.

This wasn't supposed to be happening. This vampire wasn't supposed to get bit because they didn't know the risk that would arise. They didn't know if she would still live but become one of them or if a bite would kill her.

"Carlisle do something!" Sam growled, looking at the doctor in desperation.

Jasper flinched, unable to take the strong emotions that were coming from her. He could tell that she felt terrified and was in great amounts of pain. He could feel the sorrow at the thought of dying.


He didn't know what to do because this was something they never saw before. He never came across a situation like this. Carlisle was at a complete loss.

"Belle!" Two voices shouted together, one filled with agony and the other with desperation.

Elijah kneeled next to his sister hearing a faint heartbeat that was slowing down at an unsteady path. He reached out, his fingers gently brushing across her cheek to alert her that she wasn't alone. His eyes fall onto the wound that was caused by the newborn, the smell of venom coming from the bite mark.

"I'm right here, sister." His words were gentle.

Belle's eyes fluttered open, her green eyes dimming slightly, her pupils dilated. She stared right at him but didn't see him. Her mouth opened as if words would come out of it but there was no sound, no noise, nothing at all.

Elijah watched as his sister took her last breath, her heart coming to a complete stop. Without saying a word he picked her body up and moved away from the group of creatures that he would make pay for this. He disappeared into the forest with a young newborn following quickly behind with not excusable reason.

Edward watched, his hands clenched into fists but didn't make a move to follow the stranger that had appeared. Bella stood behind him confused to who that was and why Belle was carried away like she had been hurt. She thought it would be impossible to kill a vampire - even one like Belle.

"Let's go," Sam ordered, his eyes locking onto Edward with a clear distaste for the vampire.

"Thank you, Sam," Carlisle said before the shifter could lead his pack away. "I'll let you know what's going on with Belle when we learn it ourselves."

Sam grunted, before disappearing with the rest of his pack.

Elijah came to a stop as he sensed that there was something who wanted to talk to him. He turned, spotting Sam approach him with a group of shifted wolves. His eyes showed the rage that he was keeping contained at that moment.

"Are you her brother?" A boy much younger then Sam demanded as he stepped forward.

Sam placed a hand on this young boy, keeping him under control and in range in case something did happen. He could understand where Paul was coming from but knew that if this vampire was anything like Belle that they didn't want to anger him.

"Yes, I'm one of her brothers," Elijah said, seeing the protectiveness that radiated from the young boy. "I am Elijah Mikaelson."

Another boy stepped forward.

"Will she be okay?" He asked, his eyes showing a deep worry and pained look. "It's my fault that she's like this. I should've --"

"It's fine." Elijah interrupted, seeing the guilt that came from the boy. "My sister makes her own decisions and it is no one but her own fault if she gets hurt."

Sam knew that this vampire before them still blamed his pack and the Cullen's for what happened to his sister. He could see the storm raging in his eyes even if the rest of him put out a calm façade.

"We're just worried for her," Sam said, eyeing the vampire carefully. "Let us know if you need anything."

Elijah nodded, watching as Sam turned and shifted right before him with the others. Making sure that no one was going to try anything stupid they took off, returning to their land where they wait for news on Belle.

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