(1) Haunting Times - Past

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"I don't know what you had in mind but here we stand on opposing sides."

Chapter One

13-year-old Human Belle - Time Period

I sat on the ground, staring at the pond as fish jumped to catch their prey. A small grin played on my face at the sound of approaching footsteps. Turing my head I spotted my eldest brother walking towards me.

"You're late," I said, moving to my feet as I glanced behind him. "And you've forgotten the others."

I gave a pout as he was supposed to convince everyone else to join us but it looks like he didn't.

"Arabelle," he said with some strange emotion in his voice. "Come, father wanted a word with you." He waved his hand for me to follow him.

I tilted my head in confusion. "Whatever for, brother?" I asked, walking towards him the last couple of steps.

He put an arm around my shoulders as I lend my head into him. "I do not know," he said turning us back in the direction that he had come from. "He did not tell me."

I frowned, finding that strange.

"Well, if it was anything important he would've told you." I grinned, knowing that Finn wouldn't lie about not knowing. "When will we try and catch fish?" I wondered.

Finn didn't answer which caused worry to grow inside of me. Didn't he like spending this time with me? Was I too much of a burden.

As we approached our home I watched a few men leave the building, one of them smiling much more than the others. My father followed the last one out as it seemed that they made some sort of agreement. Watching as we approached I had to wonder if father had found Rebecca a marriage partner.

"There she is!" Father exclaimed, all heads turning towards us.

I shied away, pushing my self more into Finn. "What's going on?" I asked, taking a deep breath as my stomach twisted with unease.

"It's okay," Finn promised in a whisper.

I believed him.

"Arabelle this man is going to be your husband!" I flinched, shaking my head. "We've come to an agreement that as long as we're going to live with his pack that there should be some sort of treaty between us. Something neither one would dear break."

No, no, it was impossible. He wouldn't find me a husband.

Mother wouldn't accept it.

I wouldn't accept it!

"No," I stated, my hand tightening on my brother. "No."

"It's already been decided."

I refused to accept this. My father couldn't do this to me.

"No!" I shouted, looking to my eldest brother with pleading eyes. "Finn.... Finn tell them he can't do that. He can't marry me off," I bagged.

The surprise was clear in his eyes and I could see the anger.

"Father -"

"Finn, why don't you come and help me find these flowers." Mother appeared, taking my place. "Our family needs this deal."

"Finn." I cried out reaching out for him. "Finn!" I shouted as arms grabbed me.

My brother looked torn. Why wasn't he siding with me? Why wasn't mother stopping this?


Why was he walking away from me? Didn't he care that I didn't want this? Didn't he care that I was being married to a pack of werewolves that were more likely to kill me on the next full moon.

"It's okay, love, I got you." I turned with burning eyes, glaring at the man that had grabbed me.

"Get your filthy hands off of me!" I growled, ripping my arms out of his hold before standing to my full height. "I will not be marrying you! Nor will my father have a say in the matter when I do decide to."

My heart continued to twist in pain as I stood alone. Finn had left me. He turned his back on me.

Finn -- I thought he had cared about family. Or at least about me.

I thought we had an unbreakable bond.

Why didn't he care about me?

"You will not talk to your husband that way," Father snapped sharply as he approached me. "You are to be wed to him and there is nothing that you can do about it."

"I will not!" I snapped, refusing to back down even though everything in me told me to. "And there's nothing that you can say that will change my mind."

"You will respect my decision." He took a threatening step towards me. "I am your father."

My hands formed into fists to stop the shaking. "Make me," I spit, meeting his eyes and regretting it.

He had that same look he would wear when he punished Klaus for no reason.

"Then I'll court you until you change your mind, love." My eyes snapped away from my father and to the other man. "I'm Joseph and it'll be a pleasure to get to know you all the better."

"I won't change my mind," I stated hoping that it came out firmly like I wanted it to. "I refuse to be with someone I have no interest in."

"She's a spitfire, just like her father." Joseph chuckled. "I'll change your mind in a month."

He was full of himself.

"Thank you, Joseph," Father said, turning to face the man that would no doubt get what he wanted one day. "I'm sure that it won't take that long to change her mind. Let's keep the ceremony the same day."

They already have it all planned out and it didn't matter rather I agreed or not. No one planned to listen to me or my pleas. Instead, they fall on deaf ears.

"If you think that'll be enough time. I need to talk to the chief and make sure it's fine with him as well," Joseph said, shaking his hand once more. "I'll make sure that everything I promised arrives by the end of tomorrow."

I watched as Joseph and the others walked away, the anger burning in my eyes. Cold hard fear settled in as I realized that it was just me and father. The others were out doing who knows what and Finn betrayed me to help pick flowers with mother.

A hand gripped my arm in a stone like hold, pain exploding through it as I was yanked towards the house. Flinching, I tried to pull free without looking at his face which would no doubt be twisted in the anger that he was feeling.

I was thrown onto the cold hard ground once we were inside.

"Father, I --" The words froze in my throat as I looked up at last.

I was so screwed.

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