(1) Strange Creatures

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Forks was a small town, something I had discovered by accident as I was looking for a safe heaven. With only one seen gas station, the town didn't seem to offer much for the residents. 

But it seemed almost like the perfect place to hide.

No one would think to search for me here. With little light, even my own siblings would believe I would avoid such a unsunny place.

Pushing the red helmet out of the way as I grabbed the nozzle, I began to fill the bike up. With the small haze of rain, it would be safer to find a cheap place to stay. Get some blood. Get some rest.

If only to avoid getting pulled over since I've had bad luck in the rain. Cops love to pick on me.

Gravel crunched as another car pulled in. I couldn't be bothered to look, even if my curiosity peeked that this town could show any signs of life. Just the few minutes I've been here it seemed almost dead.

With the bike fueled, I replaced the nozzle back to where it belonged.

But even if I wasn't all that curious about the car itself, there was a chance for drama. And that was something that I could use. Watching other drama was always amusing since I wasn't the one involved.

With super hearing I listened to the voices as I slowly took my time to grab my helmet and make sure that my wallet was in my pants pocket.

"What is it, Edward?"

"He's probably thinking about Bella."

I smiled at the idea of their teasing someone in the car about romance. If only it was possible to find my own love, but always being on the run made it hard. Plus, who knew what he would do once he did catch up and realized I was in love.

It was a hopeless situation.

"Shut up!"

The sound of a door opening had me glancing at the Volvo as I began to track across the parking lot.

"What's that smell?"

I counted only three of them. Men. Almost looked like models, if it weren't for they're pale complexation.

"It's sweet, but sour and almost weak. It must be old. There's nothing to worry about, Edward."

"But it does smell delicious. Like it would be a good lunch."

"Ha ha."

How they could smell anything about the stench of spilled was beyond me. It stink and I somehow knew that it clung to my skin; my cloth; and even my hair. Finding a hotel to get it out really was sounding like a good idea.

If only there was another way to get gas. Just have it magically appeared.

I tried once with a witch, but the spell wasn't what I asked for. Instead she tried to trap me; as if imprisoning me would fix the problems. It didn't.

The supernautral world was spooky enough. I should have known back then. And now I know sure. Until I find a witch that doesn't want to take my undead heart, I won't be able to solve the gas problem.

A chim sounded as I entered the gas station. The girl behind the counter looked bored. Her brown eyes flashed to me, a faint swift smile appearing before it was gone. It was clear she didn't want to be there.

Giving her a nod, I went in search of a drink. While blood sounded good, I would have to wait a bit longer. Though I knew a few vampires that would just slaughter the town and take what they 


A chill swept through me as I grabbed a water and energy drink. Satisfied with the drinks I returned to the front so I could hurry up and pay.

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