(15) Act Normal - Present

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Chapter Fifteen

I stepped out of Mikes car my eyes glancing around to see that Edward and Bella hadn't shown up yet. Alice wasn't coming today in case the wolves decided to do something and the rest needed her. They advised me to go to school and continued to act like everything was normal for Bella's sake.

Mike grabbed his bag meeting me in the middle before we approached the rest of our group. Angela was talking to Jessica helping her with the speech that she'd have to give at graduation. Eric was tossing a ball with Tyler.

While I joined the two girls Mike jumped in the middle of Tyler's throw and stole the ball before Eric had the chance to grab it. I glanced at the paper that Jessica was holding most of it crossed out and written over.

"Still have nothing?" I asked.

A sigh escaped her. "How am I suppose to make an epic speech." 

"They picked you for a reason, Jessica." I shrugged, before looking at Angela and taking a few of her things. "I'll help you before classes."

Angela threw me a grateful smile.

Over the week Jessica some how managed to get over her attitude towards me even though I was no help with it. It seemed that the closer to graduation we got the more she would rather be friends.

I have no idea what she's thinking but let it pass.

I had all the time in the world.

"Hey, who do you think that is?" Jessica asked, catching mine and Angela's attention.

Looking up I followed Jessica's eyes to see a boy standing by a motorcycle, a cold but calm expression on his face. He had gotten taller and more muscle on him from the last time I had seen him. 

And it seemed that now he screamed danger.

"He looks dangerous," Angela whispered.

She wasn't the only one that thought that. I watched as others gave him a wide breath.

"He's not," I said, handing Angela the papers as I notice Edward and Bella walking towards him. "My moneys on him waiting for someone." I smirked, making my way away from the two girls. "Don't wait up," I called over my shoulder to them.

Mike meet my eyes, me giving him a wink as I walked past his group as well.

I could tell from Edwards stiff posture that Jacob was like the others, the wolves from Saturday. Even through vampires and werewolves are natural enemies it seemed that being close to them didn't have the same effect on me like the Cullen's but give me a normal one and all bets were on.

Me and him would be tearing each other apart -- well I'd rip his heart out before he could do anything at least. Klaus taught me it was easier to rip their hearts out then prolong the fight. Elijah taught me to ask questions first.

I taught myself to ignore my brothers lessons.

Edward and Jacob seemed to be the two doing all the talking with Bella just standing to the side. I doubted Edward told his human about the events that had happened over the weekend. Then again we didn't tell Edward the whole truth about what happened either.

I had thought it would be better if he didn't know. There was no reason to let him think he had been right about me not being there in the first place.

"What don't I know? Edward?" I listened watching as Bella appeared confused. "Jake?"

I moved placing a hand on Bella's shoulder, letting her now that I was there to as well. I would stop the fight before it happened. There was no reason for humans to know about vampires and werewolves.

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