(12) Broken Laws - Present

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Chapter Twelve

I stood close to Emmett and Rosalie as we waited for her to show up. Esme and Alice were towards the middle of the group, both keeping just as wide an eye out as the others. Finally Jasper and Carlisle made up for the end of the line.

She would be showing up at any second and so would the wolves.

"You sure this is where you saw her?" Carlisle asked.

I scanned the surrounding, listening for any signs of the vampire we were waiting for or even the werewolves. I didn't doubt Alice for a second and knew that if this was the place that we would just have to wait.

Soon I'd be able to show Edward he was wrong for doubting my ability.

"She's almost here."

Our surroundings continued to be just us with no added wolves or vampires. Just because I knew we had to wait didn't mean that I wanted to.

I was ready to tear someone's head off.

"On your left!"

We took off the second that Alice spoke. The sound of leaves crunching, twigs snapping, told me everything that I needed to know. I was ahead of the others with Emmett close behind me as we gave chase.

I jumped over a branch, my eyes scanning the area for a second before I found her. Red wavy hair and the beauty that those heartless stone like vampires had. I pushed my self to go faster wanting to be the one that caught her.

Just a little more and I'll have her in my hands.

Reaching out my hand landed on her shoulder, my nails doing nothing to her hard skin. The air washed out of me as my feet left the ground, her shoulder digging into my stomach before I was thrown into a tree.

Imagine stares appeared before my eyes as I blinked.

I was going to tear her head off when I got the chance. Without wasting much more time I moved back to my feet and caught up to the rest of my family listening to their breathing as a heartbeat was out of the question.

"Stop!" Carlisle held his arm out so that we wouldn't pass him. "She's in their territory."

I watched, looking to see what these werewolves looked like. 

Carlisle would no doubt have the answers but it seemed only natural to want to be surprised.

It would be nice to see what they seemed like without anyone else input.

"She'll get away!"

We gave chance once again with no signs of the werewolves. I pushed, leading the group once again. We moved from the hard earthly ground to rocks that craved the river that separated the Cullen's land from theirs.

I turned my head as an growl came from the other side. My steps slowing as my eyes widen at the sight.


They couldn't be werewolves and be shifted at that moment.

It was impossible.

They needed a full moon.

"No she won't!"

I snarled, fury building up inside of me. I would catch that vampire and then demand answers to my questions. I wouldn't allow those dogs to catch my prey.

My eyes stayed locked on her as she crossed once more and into our territory. She was playing with us and enjoying it.

We entered the forest once again with Jasper in the lead. He made a jump at her but missed, crashing into the ground and spraying dirt all over the place.

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