Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six

The town was slowly filling with people as I made my way through it. Alice had something about a clock tower, that being the only clue I had to find him before it was to late. My eyes loved over each human, in hopes that one of them would possible be him.

I flinched from the sun, avoiding it and having to take the long way around.

He couldn't enter and try to get himself killed. He had to live and give me my ring back. He had to realize that his death would be pointless.

The seconds were ticking by to quickly.

I was losing the window I had to find him.



He turned, spotting me, surprise flickering through his eyes before they harden.

He was to far away.

He would reach it before I could reach him.


The sun bit into my skin as I moved, flinching from the pain that followed but knew that I could risk it. Sunlight wouldn't kill me like I had lead Edward to believe but it would weaken me and possible drive me mad enough to kill the humans surrounding me. The sun could still burn us though and make our bodies work twice as hard.

He must've seen the thoughts of those around me.

My pace slowed, my heart beating double as fast to keep the blood pumping. I struggled to keep my fangs enclosed, and the veins from appearing on my face.

I found myself staring into a chest as Edward pulled us from the light and the curious people to the shadow of an alley. His hands felt like ice against my skin yet it was very comforting to know that a part of him cared.

"What are you doing." He hissed.

I looked up to match his glare with one of my own.

"I'm trying to save you from making a mistake." I snapped, struggling to remain calm.

"You walked into the enemy territory." I gave him wide amused grin. "It's not funny."

"I wouldn't be here if you stopped thinking that killing yourself is the answer." I mumbled. "Why can't you choose to live and carry her memory on?" I asked, struggling to understand him.

Why did he get to leave this world because someone he cared died?

Why did it get to come to him so easily?

Why was it such an easy decision to make?

"Because living without her is meaningless." I flinched at his words. "She's everything I loved."

I could feel my arms begin to shake. Pulling free from his I wrapped my arms around me.

"What about me?" It pained me to look at him. "Couldn't you come to love me?"

"I'm sorry."

I closed my eyes, fighting the pain. "Me to." I mumbled, knowing that there was one thing that I could do.

It pained me greatly but that was the least I could do.

The human had won without even letting me be part of the race.

I stood a zero chance on winning against her.


I shook my head not wanting to hear his voice soften. I didn't want to see the pity or sorrow or whatever emotion he might be holding. I didn't want him to make false promises and lies to me.

"You're going to forget about me." I said, forcing my self to open my eyes and stare into his. "All these months we've been together. All those secrets I told you. Everything that you felt and know about me. You'll forget it all." I watched his eyes dilate. "I am nothing but a human."

"I'll forget everything." He repeated. "You are nothing but a human."

"You will continue with your plan but you will not go through with it. You'll believe that you'll allow yourself to get killed but Bella will save you." I continued.

"I'll continue my plan but Bella will save me."

A small sigh escaped me.

"I am but a human that you barely glanced at in passing. To you, I am nothing."

"You are a human barely glanced at in passing. To me, you are nothing."

I nodded, closing my eyes and looking away. The atmosphere shifted between us and suddenly Edward was gone. He was no longer next to him, or close.

Tears fall down my face as I had failed in keeping my promise.

As I failed Alice in keeping her brother safe.

I failed to protect him.

I failed myself.

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