(21) Hunter Among Humans - Present

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Chapter Twenty-One

Third Person POV

Wednesday - 6th

Belle grinned at the man, bringing him forward and into a kiss, his hands gripping her hips and pulling her into him. Breaking from the kiss Belle moved from his mouth, down his cheek bone and finally to his throat, her teeth enlarging as she got ready to feed on the poor unexpecting substitute teacher.

Depending on on well he did Belle even considered erasing any memory of that moment.

Biting, Belle felt as warm liquid filled her mouth, the vein pulsing as the hands on her hips tightened. It didn't take Belle long to realize that something was wrong, terrible wrong with the blood she was drinking.

Pushing back, the vampire felt her vision become blurry slightly, a burning feeling her throat and lungs. She hissed, shoving the male into the wall and away from her. Her eyes flashing black as she realized that he wasn't just a normal human.

No, it seemed that her substitute teacher was a Hunter.

"I knew you were too young to be a teacher," Belle hissed, wiping at the blood that dripping from her mouth. "You're a filthy hunter."

"You're a ungodly vampire that doesn't belong," Arden said, touching his neck. "I knew you would get weak by drinking my blood. Make it easier to kill you."

Belle snarled, her lips pulling back.

"You picked the wrong vampire, hunter," she said, feet hitting the floor as she stood up. "I don't have this thing you humans call humanity, anymore. Lost it when someone else tried to kill me."

Belle watched as the hunter seemed indifferent, his hand reaching behind him. "Be all that better to rid you from this place then."

"Give it your best shot," Belle said, grinning.

She was looking forward to a good fight. Give her something to do.

Besides killing an hunter was always something she was willing to do.

Belle watched as something flew towards her. "Figured you'd catch it," Arden said, watching the vampire. "Even the odds."

Belle lips twitched.

"You'd have to be a vampire to even the odds, hunter.," She taunted, tossing the blade to the ground. "Or have a better aim then that."

The door was thrown open, Belle looking with an raised eyebrow. She should've known someone would come to try and break up her fight. Couldn't just let her have a little fun could they.

"Can I not kill someone in peace?" Belle said, a growl vibrating in the room.

"What's going on here?" Sam demanded, glaring at Belle with Leah shaking form behind him.

"Who are you?" Arden demanded, looking between Sam and Belle.

"Him," Belle said, nodding toward Sam. "Well he likes to think of himself as my 'keeper' with his sidekick." Another low growl came as Leah glared at Belle use of words. "Much like you he thinks vampires shouldn't exist."

"Another hunter?" Arden asked, interested and curious to why Belle was still alive if that was the case.

Belle grinned at him.

"Possible," she said, appearing behind him. "Just so I don't have the police snooping around yet I won't kill you."

Sam watched unamused as Arden dropped to the floor. Belle looked at him, shrugging.

It wasn't like she killed him, just knocked him out.

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