(9) Lets Party - Present

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Chapter Nine

A few days had passed since Mike had asked me to go to Prom. It didn't take long for Alice to find a place to get the dress. We just finished our class and were heading to lunch when I had a sudden idea.

"Why not an party, Alice?" I asked, tilting my head as we walked outside.

"A party?"

I nodded in agreement. "Only this time no presents. We invite, you know, everyone from class and have it at your house, of course. It'll be fun and give Bella another memory to hold onto," I explained, watching as she thought about the idea.

"It's decided. I'm sure that Carlisle and Esme wouldn't mind us having one." I listened as Alice began talking about the party and different possibilities that it could held.

Even as we went through line, and made our way to the table Alice continued talking. We sat at the table, Alice sitting sitting beside Edward, while I went around it and took the open seat next to Mike. My eyes notice a piece of balled up paper on the ground.

"I decided to throw a party," Alice declared.

I grinned. "Its not every day we graduate from high school after all." I joined in, placing the sandwich I got onto Mikes tray while grabbing his pizza.

He'll never notice.

"A party? At your place?" Angela asked in disbelief.

"Tuna? You can't just take my pizza Bel." 

Okay so maybe he would notice.

I grinned at him. "Aw, come on Mike. I gave you that thing. I swear it even moved." I chuckled, as he still took his pizza back. "Fine, fine have your pizza. It smells funny anyways."

"I've never seen your house," Jessica said, looking at Alice in surprised.

"No one's ever seen their house," Eric said.

"I have." Mike jumped in grinning at them.

Eric tossed his water cap at Mike. "You don't count. None of us normals have."

"Another party, Alice?" Edward didn't sound happy.

"It'll be fun."

"Yeah, that's what you said last time."

It was fun. The human didn't get hurt and I held it over Edwards head.

"It was loads of fun. Plus there was cake." I jumped in. "Are we going to have cake this time?"

"No." I pouted at Alice. "But there is going to be other things. How are your announcements going, Angela?"

I watched as the conversation changed from the party that I suggested to Alice and back to school related things. Everyone ended up breaking into small groups as their own conversations came to different topics.

Mike turned talking to Eric while Alice and Angela fall into their own conversation with Jessica commenting every once in a while so not to be all out of tone with everyone else. Edward picked up the comic that Eric had reading, flipping throw it at a rather human pace.

Much like myself Bella seemed to watching everyone that sat at the table. Neither one of us seemed to feel the need to jump in and say anything. When Alice fall quiet I knew then that she had another one of her visions.

Something was happening.

As the school day came to an end I watched as Alice didn't say anything about the vision to me. I walked with Mike to his car asking for a lift back to the Cullen's house and inviting him over if he didn't have to work. The drive wasn't as quick as it would've been if I had rode with Alice and Edward as Mike actually followed the speed limit.

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