Strange Creatures

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Vampires, Dragons, Werewolves, oh my!

Belle Mikaelson quickly finds herself in small town Forks where she meets a family of crystalized vampires. Among them she can't help but be attracted to the cold Edward Cullen who is deeply in love with a human. As she struggles between her desire, self-sacrifice, and family trouble she soon learns Forks isn't the only place she has to worry about.

With werewolves living right next door; a crazed vampire out to get one sweet smelling human; and century old vampires more dangerous then her own brother Belle is in for one wild ride. 

Psyco here and thank you so much for checking out "Strange Creatures" (Previously known as  Please Love Me). Its a fan fiction of twilight mixed with the vampire dairies characters. While I am slowly working through the chapters, please enjoy! Or feel free to chill here and chat with me. 

As I was update I'm planning to show/share my writing journey as well. So feel free to come check me out on YouTube (one day I may be brave enough to stream XD). I'm planning to fix a lot of what happened and to try and expand on some things. (Spoilers here)  For the whole Edward, Jasper (maybe I already took that out),and Paul (was it a different character?) thing. Ya, I'm planning to fix that. Maybe we'll see Edward and her together or maybe we'll still see him with Bella Swan. 

Can't wait to see how it goes from here! 

How To Rewrite OLD Stories - Preface

How To Rewrite OLD Stories - Chapter 1

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