(22) Cat out of the Bag - Present

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Chapter Twenty-Two

Third Person POV

Saturday - 9th

Belle sat on the beach staring out at the water as Paul grumbled beside her. Cursing his luck that he had to continue babysitting her when he could be doing other things. Hating that he was stuck with a vampire that every bone in his body wanted to rip apart.

She ignored Paul wondering why she still felt so many emotions when she shouldn't. Sure she could care less about what happened to the Cullen's, or Bella, or any other human yet Belle couldn't help but still feel something.

She still... cared. Belle didn't know how else to explain her actions or the emotions.

She was still protective of Mike, stepping between him and the hunter that was in town. Making sure that the boy was safe from both herself and the human that was hunting her in La Push now instead of Forks.

She talked to Sam like he was more than just a werewolf that threatened her kind.

She acted like Paul was the young boy he was and not the man he was trying to act like.

She even acted nice to Leah once she understood what had happened between her and Sam.

Belle had told the pack about her kind, her brothers. She told them more about then she had the Cullen's and Belle couldn't understand what possible reason there was for that. She didn't know the group and she shouldn't care for them.

She should've just ripped their hearts out.

She still could if she wanted to but she didn't want to. She didn't want to hurt them.

Hearing approaching footsteps Belle looked up to see Jacob approaching the pair.

"Great," she grumbled, her nose wrinkling.

Paul glanced up as well, relieved to see the male.

"Finally," he said.

Jacob gave them a grin.

"I came to switch with you --"

"Get lost," Belle snapped, not in the mood to deal with the boy.

"I wasn't talking to you," Jacob snapped, frowning at her.

Belle shrugged.

"Good, then you wouldn't mind leaving before I rip your heart out. Paul can keep me company until Sam or Leah arrives," Belle said, looking back out to the water.

"Sam's the one that told me to change with him," Jacob snapped once again.

"Watch your tone boy," Belle hissed. "You reek of Bella."

It was Jacob's turn to growl.

"I was with her just a few minutes ago," he said, having thought at one point the two girls had gotten along.

"Then you should've stayed with her. She reeks of Edward." Belle growled, eyes darting to Jacob with a threatening look. "What did I tell you about your tone. I'm older then you."

"Barely," Jacob snapped. "You look to be barely 16."

Belle stood up, taking a step towards the boy.

"I'd say you don't want your heart anymore." She growled, feeling a hot arm wrap around her.

"Sam said no killing," Paul grumbled, wishing to be away from the vampire. "Especially someone from his pack."

Belle scoffed, pulling Paul's arm off of her.

"Well, if Sam knew how to handle his pack I wouldn't need to," she snapped, stuffing her hands in her pockets. "What is it with your gang of dogs and annoying me." She walked away from the two.

Jacob began to follow her knowing Sam would want him to.

"Unless you're Paul I would suggest not following me. I have a low tolerance for people who annoy me." Belle snapped, not looking over her shoulder. "Be a shame if I did kill you."

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