Chapter Two

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Sawyer's POV

    "Sawyer it's time to get up," Avery whispers to me in Spanish and shakes me awake and I get out of the small bed we all share wincing slightly at the pain from my various injuries. I glance over at Quinn who was wincing at her newest bruises.

    "You ok Quinny?" I ask in Spanish

    She looks over to me and nods, "My back and arm hurt that's all" she replies quietly in Spanish as well. She says it like it doesn't matter but even with our high pain tolerance, I can see she is in a lot of pain.

    "Sawyer can you check her back while I make them their breakfast and then we can leave for school," Avery asks me quietly in Russian and leaves the room

    I nod at Avery's request and Quinn silently pulls off her shirt so I can see her back with only her sports bra in the way. The new scarring was barely starting to heal but it wasn't infected which was a good sign I rebandaged it with practiced ease. I then looked at her shoulder that was already dark with bruises.

    "Do you think it's broken or out of place?" I ask her in French

    Quinn shakes her head and replies in Russian, "I can still move it easily enough probably just sprained or something, even if it is broken or something it's not like we can do anything," I ball my hands with anger and frustration wanting nothing else than to take my sisters and get us all out of here. "It's ok, Sawyer, I'm fine this is nothing new, you know that. Three years and they won't be able to come after us." She gives me a small smile and pulls her shirt back on and grabs one of our three sweatshirts and throws it on hiding how skinny she really is and gets up checking our backpacks for school staying in the same sweatpants she was already wearing. It's not like we had anything else.

    I sigh and nod and get up slowly paying attention to my bruises and pull on my only pair of jeans and leave the t-shirt I was wearing on and throw a sweatshirt on. If we try to run now the same thing will happen as it did last year and the year before that. Our step-father and his friends will look for us and if they can't find us then they will go to the police who will and we will get a long punishment for it. Once we turn 18 they can't keep us here we can leave with the money we are trying to save up and live free from everything. Quinn looks at me and sighs and walks over and wraps her arms around me and hugs me gently. She and Avery are the only people I will let touch me. Anyone else's touch brings back terrible memories. "You're the best brother me and Avery could ever wish for, you know that right?" she asks me quietly in Japanese I think.

    I nod, "And you're one of the best sisters ever." I reply in Italian she smiles and ruffles my hair and I groan and she laughs softly which inevitably makes me smile a little which was probably her plan. "Come on let's get Avery before they wake up."

    Quinn nods and we pull on our old sneakers and I try to grab all of our backpacks but she is quick to grab her own. "Quinn let me carry it. I don't want you to hurt your back more." I argue in Italian.

    "You're just as hurt as I am so stop complaining" she sighs in German and rolls her eyes as she walks out of our small room without letting me argue. The house was still clean from last night so we were able to meet Avery in the kitchen as she was finishing their breakfast and we all walked outside after checking each other over for any visible bruises. They usually leave our faces alone but sometimes they don't so we have to be careful to cover up everything with make-up.

    "Are we actually going to school?" I sigh not wanting to bother going to school and being bored out of my mind as well as deal with the pain from all my bruises. It's not like the school cared and even if they did Quinn could easily hack into the school and change our attendance records.

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