Quinn's POVOnce we made it into the library we all found books in various languages about topics we were each interested in. We spent the next hour reading but then Remo came to get us attempting to demand that we needed to eat lunch. We weren't exactly hungry but I don't think that if we ate our stomachs would hurt and Avery must have felt the same because she agreed to eat. Although she told him it had to be something small which he agreed to.
We put our books away before he could see what exactly we were reading and followed him out and back to the kitchen. He began to try and serve us large slices of the lasagna we made and Avery rolled her eyes and got us smaller pieces.
"So, are you guys excited to start school," I hopped up onto the counter as Avery shrugged.
"Like we said before school is just school. It doesn't really matter."
"But you three need an education for college and everything." College? I know these people were rich. However, even if we had the money we have never been interested in going to more school even if Papi always talked about us going to college when we were little.
"Right," Sawyer shrugged and ate a small bite of his food.
Remo looked to each of us in turn, "Well I might have to go out for a little before the twins and Cesco get home from school, would that be okay? If you don't want to be left alone that's fine I can stay. You're right you need me. I need to stay here with you three." He seemed guilty for whatever reason and he continued to ramble about how we were supposedly helpless and needed him to survive.
We just observed with black faces sharing quick confused glances at every pause in his speech. "Remo."
His head snapped to look over at where Avery was, "Yes?"
"We'll be fine, go do whatever you want. We'll make sure to burn the house down or something while you are gone." Avery stayed completely serious while Sawyer and I both had to fight small laughs.
Remo stared at her confused and sad for a second then that look seemed to change to panic. "Burn the house down? I can't leave you. How can I make sure you three are safe if I'm not here." If it was possible to win an award for dramatics Remo and Cesco would both win.
Avery rolled her eyes and leaned back, "I was kidding. Go." She continued to stay in her serious voice and Remo stared at her wordlessly.
"Only if you are sure. You have my number right? You can call me if you need me or you can call someone else no matter what. You can also change your minds before I leave and I can stay."
"Remo." Avery cut off his second time rambling with a bored tone, "We'll be fine we have managed to survive so far so relax."
With that, she headed out of the kitchen, and Sawyer and I followed after we all put our plates in the sink, "But hold on. Are you sure?"
"Yes, Remo." Sawyer followed me calling over his shoulder to Remo who was still in the middle of the kitchen.
We headed back to the library and played chess for a while with all three of us winning and losing to one another almost equally. As we played the person not playing would read books on chess strategies and other information. We played until Cesco walked into the library looking for us.
"Hey, baby siblings? Are you here?" I smiled a bit at his sing-songy voice.
"Yeah, Cesco." Sawyer put the book down and looked to where Cesco was but Avery and I continued to focus on the game board.

The Mafia's Missing Triplets
Fiction généraleThe family's mother seemingly ran away 8 months before the triplets were born. Though their family missed her after searching for a year they gave up and realized that she did not want to be found never knowing about the triplets. She had the triple...