Avery's POVI punched Cesco as he crept up behind me. He flew back onto the ground crying. It was a love tap really. Plus he deserved it. I knew the second we drove into the car dealership he would be begging us to teach him to drive all the time. I didn't expect that once we flat out refused he would resort to pulling pranks with Samuele.
The problem was that their pranks were less than successful. Cesco and his partner in crime failed to realize that to pull off a prank, or in their case pranks, you have to think the entire thing through not just about the end result. This has led to their seven pranks today, the first ended with melted ice cream all over the hallways and in their rooms. They didn't think about how fast ice cream melts. None of it even reached the final destination of our room. The second through fifth followed the same failure just annoying us all and Dad or Leo would cut in and tell them off making them clean up the mess. Bubbles, melted ice cream, an attempt to make jello that clearly failed, a lot of popped balloons and a broken helium tank, confetti guns that pissed the twins off more than us, and they somehow managed to paint Dante's room pink instead of ours. The sixth and seventh were attempts at scaring us, the first Cesco pretended to be stabbed by a knife using ketchup as fake blood and the second they played a very fake soundtrack of a crying child that we ignored. They were in fact idiots with a strange obsession with food.
We split up after that, Leo convincing Quinn and Angelo to work on computer and robot stuff with him, well he convinced Angelo using Quinn as an excuse not giving her much of a choice. Sawyer then was stolen by Adriano and the triplets to go to the gym, they all seemed to be on equal levels of annoyance and anger so it seemed like a good idea. This is what led me to be sitting on the couch with Remo, Luca, and Luigi, as well as our aunts watching trash TV. Well until I ditched and had Cesco sneak up on me, our grandfather who stood at the end of the hall clearly saw but sided with me on the situation as we both ignored Cesco's dramatic cries and I said hello.
"Hello corvo," (raven) I smiled at him as Cesco whined. Unsurprisingly Grandpa and I got along quite well and unlike my father and brothers, he seemed to understand that I told the truth more often than not and in return, he gave me the same courtesy. Unlike Quinn who gets information from her tech or Sawyer who wasn't all that concerned with knowing everything, to begin with, I get my information from people. The way they move the lies they do and don't tell. A person can tell you everything without even opening their mouths.
He gives me a look and I shrug, "We already got them back a few hours ago."
He chuckles and the two of us go into the library to play chess something we haven't done much, however, the few times we have played we've been a pretty even match.
Sawyer's POV
Sparring with my brothers wasn't supposed to end with Adriano all bloody. I didn't feel guilty for it but it wasn't the intention. Not that he cared.
I was pissed off and not at Cesco and Samuele like most people thought. Well, I was, just they were to blame for a fraction of my anger. The rest was all on Elliott.
Asshole wasn't even returning my texts. He wouldn't let me get him alone during the party and now he's not talking to me. Idiot.
Adriano was pissed at me and the older triplets weren't very interested in sparring anymore. After training daily with them and my past...experiences, learning how to beat them became my top priority and now the only two who were on the same level as me were Adriano and Agosto. Although Agosto only rarely agreed to spar with anyone. Me beating any of them pissed them off considering I wasn't supposed to be as good as them or whatever the fuck. I didn't necessarily care.

The Mafia's Missing Triplets
General FictionThe family's mother seemingly ran away 8 months before the triplets were born. Though their family missed her after searching for a year they gave up and realized that she did not want to be found never knowing about the triplets. She had the triple...