Sawyer's POVAvery somehow managed to distract Cesco and let us escape from his room without him trying to make us stay forever as I expected he would. I put my arm around Quinn guiding her knowing she was tired from not sleeping. Avery silently led us to the library once we were inside and away from everything else Avery challenged me to a game of chess.
We started playing and it was clear her mind wasn't on the game rather it was on Quinn who was pretending to read as we played. I let Avery win, wanting to see where her mind was at, not bothered by her gloating smile and teasing, even if she wasn't into the game she was the competitive one out of us. I pulled out my phone as Avery badgered Quinn into playing against her. I texted Elliott seeing what he was up to, wondering if he was awake yet or slept in like most people I knew. I watched as Avery tested the waters seeing how focused Quinn was on the game and after Quinn didn't see a simple move she raised a brow at me and I shrugged. We both knew she wasn't sleeping so it wasn't too surprising. Quinn has always needed the most sleep out of us and we used to tease her that she slept a lot because her brain was always too tired after everything she did.
We always knew when she wasn't sleeping when it came down to doing anything that had to do with intellect. She could go from the smartest of the three of us to the dumbest if she wasn't sleeping. After three more moves, Avery could win at any time but drew the game out waiting for something. Quinn seemed to try and gain some ground but everything was easily combatable. Avery sighed, gaining our sister's attention, "What's going on Quinny?"
She played innocent knowing what Avery was talking about but not wanting to get into it. I joined in knowing it would speed this up, "Quinny why aren't you sleeping?"
She granted me with a shrug but didn't look up, preferring to fiddle with one of the chess pieces. Avery and I played this the way we always have when Quinn tried to hide something. Avery grabbed her hand and I played with her hair silently telling her we were there but also not forcing her to talk. She relaxed into us as she always has and after a few moments of silence she sighed, "I just don't wanna sleep, okay?"
I let Avery lead as I played with Quinn's hair, "What are you trying to avoid Quinny."
All three of us know it's impossible to keep things from each other but Quinn is always surprised when we know about what she's trying to hide. "I just don't want to dream about anything, okay?" She had a whine to her voice that tells us not to push any farther at the moment so we don't.
Avery wins the game easily and the three of us find books to read enjoying the peace we've been lacking in this hectic house. It doesn't last long as Angelo walks in with Adriano at his side with his usual frown.
"All of you are working out today."
Avery and I shrugged as Quinn sighed quietly, I helped both my sisters up and then offered to give Quinn a piggy-back ride knowing that it would make her happier. We used to love running and we all can fight however Quinn is the least interested in a structured workout preferring to do other things. Plus after years of everything before we came here, things took a toll on our bodies. We got changed into workout clothes quickly and went to meet up with our brothers in the gym.
I started out doing the same things as Avery and Quinn but soon enough Angelo pulled me away and when I resisted Avery pushed me to go with him. I rolled my eyes but soon found my rhythm in the new routine I have learned while occasionally looking at my twins seeing Avery roll her eyes and Quinn patiently listen as Aldo explains a workout.
I focused on what I was doing when a loud crash and yelling jolted everyone from what we were doing. I pushed myself up to see a guilty-looking Cesco in neon workout clothes standing at the doorway with a cinder block on the floor at his feet and a panicked Samuele still holding his stuffed monkey was behind him with his gaze focused on something behind me. I turned to see what Samuele was looking at and found Angelo cursing holding his hand covered in blood. It seemed one of the cables on the machine he was using sliced his hand open.

The Mafia's Missing Triplets
Ficción GeneralThe family's mother seemingly ran away 8 months before the triplets were born. Though their family missed her after searching for a year they gave up and realized that she did not want to be found never knowing about the triplets. She had the triple...