Sawyer's POVI wrapped an arm around Quinn's shoulder who in response hugged my waist and laid her head against my chest. Francesco continued to ramble about shopping until Angelo yelled at him and turned up the annoying pop music. One thing was for sure though Francesco was a lot more excited about this excursion than my twins and me; although I'm pretty sure a rock could be more excited about this trip than we were.
After a while of driving, we pulled up to a massive mall and got out. Adriano headed towards the mall not even acknowledging us Angelo gave us a sheepish smile and headed after him and Francesco waited for us and walked at our pace telling us a long list of stores we were going to go to, not one of them a cheap brand.
We caught up to Angelo and Adriano inside where there were lots of people wandering about and Quinn grabbed my hand and moved closer to Avery and me. Adriano looked over at us, "Ok, Francesco and I can take Quinn and Avery to get them clothes and Angelo can go with Sawyer, and then we'll meet up to get electronics, shoes, and school stuff."
I shook my head, "That's not happening the three of us are staying together."
Adriano shook his head and opened his mouth to argue but Francesco cut in, "We'll all stay together it won't take a long time." Adriano frowned but surprisingly did not argue and Angelo directed us to a clothing store.
All three of us had to be careful with what clothes we got where I guess I can be glad about New York's weather letting us get away with just getting long pants and sweatshirts and long sleeve shirts. Even though we didn't want them throughout the stores we went to they got us all shorts and short-sleeved stuff too although they seemed to want to check if everything they got was 'appropriate' for Avery and Quinn to wear which got old fast and Avery and Adriano got into a fight Francesco broke up quickly. Luckily one of the stores we went to had a women's undergarments section so Avery and Quinn got what they needed there. While the twins and Francesco found even more clothes they wanted to buy for us. We stopped at the shoe store quickly and while we only picked out one pair of sneakers each we each were bought multiple different pairs of shoes.
By the time we were done with getting clothes and shoes we each held multiple bags so we all went back to the car to put everything away because apparently, these people didn't understand the word conservative. We were then dragged into a computer store which instantly made Quinn smile which had Angelo smile back at her. They let us all choose a laptop to get and after arguing we only needed one they had us choose one then bought three of the one Quinn chose for us. They also got us other accessories for the computer and every time Quinn looked at something they bought it so Avery and I moved her away from all of the gadgets.
We were then led to the Apple store where they got us Apple watches, the newest iPhones, AirPods, iPads, and other accessories. Quinn tried to look around again but I tightened my hold on her hand fearing that they would buy the entire store. We argued with them that we didn't need all of this stuff but they just ignored us and swiped the card.
After that was done Francesco insisted we needed to get food so they forced us to go to the food court where hundreds of people sat everywhere. We luckily found a table quickly and Avery and I had Quinn sit in the corner where she was around fewer people.
"Ok, I'll go get the food, what do you guys want?"
"The usual," The twins said in sync with one another.
Francesco looked at us, "We'll each have chicken nuggets and french fries with water." Avery ordered for us.
"That isn't enough food you guys didn't even eat breakfast," Adriano glared at us.
"It's what we want, why do you care?" Avery was not backing down from this fight it was clear in her eyes and posture.
Francesco ignored the fight and said he would go order the food. While he was gone Avery and I caught the twins watching a group of girls who had way too much makeup on and too little clothes on. The girls noticed their eyes and looked at them and me and headed over with smiles and I rolled my eyes and shared a look with Avery.
"Hi boys," The girl who seemed to lead the group completely overlooked Avery and Quinn sitting next to me.
Adriano smiled as the girl started to touch his chest and he and Angelo began to talk with them as the three of us ignored them. That was until one of the minions started to talk to me and try to touch me. I batted her hand away with a glare before she actually touched me. "Don't touch me."
"Aw come on cutie, you obviously like having girls around." She glared at Avery and Quinn who were both paying attention now.
"Listen Ms. Desperate were his twins and we both know unlike them," She nodded at the twins, "he isn't interested in being felt up by plastic bitches so how bout you go away before your disease spreads." They huff and when twins don't contradict Avery they all walk away and I let out a sigh of relief giving Avery a smile of thanks which she gave a slight nod to.
Francesco gets back with the food before the twins can yell at us for losing them their fan club and we all start to eat. Avery, Quinn, and I don't eat even half our food already full from the dinner last night but fortunately, the others don't notice it because they were wrapped up in their own conversation.
I throw away our trash ignoring the looks from the band of girls we sent away and head back to the table where Francesco is looking at Avery and Quinn with obvious excitement. "Teach me to say something in Russian. Please." Avery rolled her eyes at him but Quinn thought about it for a second.
"Ok, say 'Я не знаю русского'" Quinn said it slowly for him and corrected him as he repeated it over and over until he got it mostly correct. (I don't know Russian)
"What did I just say?" He was basically bouncing with excitement, his blueish-green eyes sparkling.
"I don't know Russian," Avery told him with a shrug and he frowned. Which the twins laughed at.
After some more time of them talking and Avery, Quinn, and I exchanging bored looks under our blank faces they finally decided it was time to go.
As we walked out Avery moved a little closer to Quinn and me. "There might be someone following us so be careful." She whispered it in Russian so the others didn't hear but Quinn and I gave small nods and stayed closer to her and the twins and Francesco as we walked out of the mall and Quinn relaxed a bit. We hopped back in the car moving the bags around a bit and Angelo drove us out of the parking lot after turning the music up again.

The Mafia's Missing Triplets
Ficção GeralThe family's mother seemingly ran away 8 months before the triplets were born. Though their family missed her after searching for a year they gave up and realized that she did not want to be found never knowing about the triplets. She had the triple...