Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Avery's POV

I knew our plan centered around the idea of us getting suspended but considering that Sawyer got into a fist fight where his opponent is going to need surgery apparently and Quinn deciding to test her luck with getting cited for creating a panic I didn't see this outcome. My trouble with the school princess who went and whined to the principal and loaded dad is nothing in comparison.

The three of us seated side by side though is a familiar sight considering the amount of trouble that we have been in over the years. I wasn't worried about Quinn; she was smart enough to know the risks of her prank and to create enough reasonable doubt that would keep her out of trouble. Honestly, I don't know why they called her in all they have on her is that the only phones not to go off were ours and we didn't freak out over the whole thing. All of which could be explained away.

Remo walking into the office angry was not exactly planned but the three of us weren't exactly surprised. In all reality compared to other shit we've done in the past, except Quinn's hack, this is us being tame. I also don't believe that Sawyer's fight was his plan for trouble; he isn't one to fight for the fun of it. We've seen too much violence in our lives to want to participate ourselves. Unless of course, the person deserved it.

Remo giving us a look wasn't exactly scary. We've gotten a lot of looks in the past and his was more disappointment-filled than violence and anger-filled. The only one of us that may feel bad about his disappointment is Quinn over the years we've had a lot of adults disappointed in us. Teachers, principles, the list goes on forever filled with people who wanted to 'help' not realizing their prodding only got us into worse trouble.

The principal called Remo into his office first and after about ten minutes he walked out alone. "Let's go."

In all the times we've gotten in trouble not once have we not talked to the principal about it. Nevertheless, we followed Remo out of the school and got into his car waiting him out. I was betting on the 'I am so disappointed in you speech' but he was probably waiting for us to try and explain or to apologize. That wouldn't be happening. I don't know if they know Quinn was the one behind the hack so talking would risk exposing her and we are also not exactly sorry for what we did.

He didn't go to start the car and the waiting game began. We had our blank faces cemented on as we have all day and mafia or whatever shit they were involved with did not help him build an emotionless face very well. He finally conceded and sighed, "What happened?"

I raised a brow in question, "We went to school."

He gave me a look to which I wanted to roll my eyes but didn't, "I was informed that you and Quinn bullied a poor girl at lunch and Sawyer beat some kid up in the bathroom." So the princess lied about my sister and no one knows Quinn casually hacked the school, good to know.

I shrug, "Do you believe it?"

He seemed to pause and look us over closely, "I want to know what happened from your perspective."

I don't like being pushed into explaining myself or my twins to someone however I am curious to see who he believes. "A girl was being rude to Quinn and me at lunch so I set the record straight if she called us bullies then she is one herself and unlike her, we didn't run and cry to adults because of a rude comment." I knew he wasn't truly pissed about this part of things. He is smart enough to know that Quinn being accused of being a bully is clearly a lie.

He looked at Sawyer who shrugged, "A guy wanted to start shit and it didn't work out well for him." He was lying about something in his story but Remo seemed to accept it.

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