Alessandro's POV(During his time with the triplets and then when he leaves them)
I watched as Quinn looked over another piece of art with eyes that betray she knows more about this exhibit than the man I asked to lead us through the exhibit. While Quinn seemed more interested in the cultural aspect Sawyer always seemed to listen keenly when wars and leaders were mentioned. What was weird was that Avery didn't speak much or seem interested in the museum looking at different people around us or seemingly stuck in her head. The people here were all either my employees or museum workers I didn't want any of my work interfering with today.
I would ask Avery what was wrong but I was beginning to realize that if you asked her something she would never answer. I had to trust she would come to me or one of her siblings if she needed help. Although it was clear all three of them were more self-efficient than the twins and Cesco.
It was obvious Quinn knew Spanish well when she corrected the historian she hadn't mentioned knowing any other languages but it gave me hope that she could also pick up Italian easily. Kids who learn multiple languages have an easier time learning others so if they know English, Russian, and possibly Spanish they would probably be able to pick up Italian if we spoke it more and encouraged it.
It shouldn't have surprised me how much the three knew history considering how well they did on that test for school but it did. Sawyer and Quinn made it clear they were well versed in history and science as we walked around and I asked questions. I was happy I got to see a new side of the two of them today and beyond ecstatic when Quinn actually called me 'dad'. I expected them to always use my first name. Hearing her acknowledge me as her father made me happier than I have been in a long time.
I knew I had to still work to gain Sawyer's and Avery's trust, especially Avery's. It was becoming clear to me that her goals focused around her twins. Protecting them. Keeping them safe. Always putting them first. She wanted them to trust me and open up to me because it would be good for them but she kept herself closed off so if something goes wrong she can protect them.
I knew she didn't mind, it seemed to make her happy to be their protector but I wanted her to be able to share the burden of protecting them and herself with her whole family and move on to other goals and dreams.
We went to lunch which seemed to go over well and the triplets ate most of their food without complaint. On the ride home, Sawyer's knowledge and interest in crimes was interesting to me. In my life, I was always on the inside of the crime world. Police were paid not to interfere so they weren't a bother. My mafia was moral and for the most part ethical. We didn't deal drugs and tried to monitor where weapons were going to help keep regular people safe.
Everyone knew to only bother me today if it was an emergency so my phone going off when we were almost homemade me worried. I wanted to spend more time with my three youngest kids but I also needed to make sure everything was okay so I left them at home knowing Remo was home and headed to the office as I called Leonardo to find out what was going on.
"Dad," I hear in his voice something is wrong.
I told him that I dropped the triplets off at home and am on my way to the office and asked him what the issue was. I hear a commotion in the background and one of my brother's voices. They tell us there is a threat to our family, specifically the younger children.
I swear under my breath, mafias are all family-oriented. The most damaging thing to them is attacking the family. Our mafia has gone after the youngest kids in the family before every mafia has. When you're the one attacking you go for what hurts the most and that has always been and forever will be. But someone threatening our children made me see red. I have always had good control of my emotions that's why dad chose me to lead the mafia but this pushed me close to the edge.

The Mafia's Missing Triplets
Fiction généraleThe family's mother seemingly ran away 8 months before the triplets were born. Though their family missed her after searching for a year they gave up and realized that she did not want to be found never knowing about the triplets. She had the triple...