Avery's POVWas it a bad idea to take our brother who was known for being a terrible driver out driving without permission? Possibly.
Did we care? Not at all.
Once we all finished eating Sawyer, Quinn and I packed up the leftovers and left a note about the waffles. Samuele was staying back, after we took Cesco out we would take him. He lost rock paper scissors so Cesco got to go first. I would've rather taken Samuele first but I didn't care too much.
My twins and I headed off to our room where Quinn grabbed her computer. She had already hacked into her VW for whatever reason so that was the car we agreed on taking. Cesco was basically bouncing up and down on his toes when we met him in the garage and I rolled my eyes reconsidering how smart this really was.
Quinn drove us away from our home towards some roads that we found that had next to no traffic on them, perfect for a reckless driver who had a chance to crash. Cesco sat next to her and he was supposed to be watching what she did to learn from it, however he seemed too excited to pay attention and I rolled my eyes at Sawyer.
Once we got to where the three of us planned we switched seats and I went over everything with Cesco as Quinn confirmed that she had control over the car if need be. I finally gave him the go ahead to shift out of park and into drive and thankfully Quinn stopped him from flooring the gas.
"Lightly, Cesco, or we don't do this."
He frowned and then started again, thankfully, going slower this time. I only had to reach over and correct his steering a few times but it was clear Quinn set a speed limit to the car that he couldn't go over if he tried. Surprisingly he wasn't that bad of a driver he just got distracted at times making him drive off the road. Or onto the wrong side of the road. Or to floor it. Or to go less than five miles per hour.
But when he was paying attention he wasn't terrible.
On our second lap he seemed to focus more. Driving probably becoming less exciting for him now. Quinn eased up on more of his controls for a few minutes but took over immediately when another car passed ours. He glares at her taking his eyes off the road and a second after that the car runs off the road and I swear under my breath.
I give Cesco a look when I turn the car off and Sawyer is the first to pull out his phone. I get out of the car to survey the damage and other than a popped tire everything seemed to be fine however I was doubtful we could get the car back onto the road without help. Sawyer was on the phone with one of the twins when I slid back into the car relaying what I saw to them.
Sawyer gets off the phone telling us the twins were on their way with one of our family trucks. I shrugged and told everyone to get out of the car. Better to be safe than sorry and it shouldn't take the twins long to get here. Cesco groaning at his phone makes us all look to him, "Samuele told me Dad and Leo know and are coming."
I shrugged at him. We did nothing wrong, "We were out for a drive and the car slipped off the road, it's fine."
No way in hell was I getting into trouble for this.
When our family's black cars including a tow truck show us Cesco charges out before we can stop him. Something was wrong.
A guy got out of the car and pointed a gun at his head, faster than I could think our way out. I swore quietly as more people got out of cars.
We could either get back into the car and attempt to drive it off or run into the woods but one look at my twins made me realize neither option would work. Sawyer was the first to follow in Cesco's footsteps but he moved slower than our brother and with that Quinn and I follow.
A stupid idea considering we may be more helpful free but we didn't leave thefamily.
Soon after that we were blindfolded and hit over the head. The others were knocked unconscious but I wasn't but before I could take advantage of that my hands and legs were bound together. I was then struck by a needle in my neck and blackness took over.
When I woke up I found myself chained to a wall with my twins and Cesco in the same positions all asleep. But when a man slammed the door to the room open they jolted away wincing as they got their bearings.
Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting
Two short chapters to finish out the book and we are on to book two. Currently, I think I am going to title it "The People They Fight For" but I am not 100% sure yet. It's been over a year since I started posting chapters of this book and I am going to work on editing everything and combining a lot of chapters especially at the beginning of the book but again I don't know how exactly I am going to repost the edited version
I will update this book and post on my profile wall when I post the first chapters of book two. Hopefully, it won't take me too long however I think I am going to focus on longer chapters and fewer updates for it currently but that might change.
Well anyways hope you like the last two chapters and are excited for book two let me know if you have any questions or suggestions

The Mafia's Missing Triplets
General FictionThe family's mother seemingly ran away 8 months before the triplets were born. Though their family missed her after searching for a year they gave up and realized that she did not want to be found never knowing about the triplets. She had the triple...