Avery's POVI moved to lead the others following the policewomen as we walked around the house to the front. I think they were talking to us but I wasn't listening to what they were saying. I felt Quinn's soft hand brush against my own and I grabbed onto it to comfort her. We made it to the front of the house where I began to see the flashing lights of the police and ambulance.
We were led to one of the ambulances whose paramedics were probably trying to save Dianne or that other man. It was useless. I knew they were dead.
One of the paramedics came up to us but once they realized the blood was not ours they let us be and began packing up their stuff. The three of us did not talk and there was nothing to say. Quinn kept a hold on my hand when she could and Sawyer stayed close to the two of us, none of us knowing what was going to happen now. The only thing I knew for certain was that my twins and I were not going to be split up.
More police came to access the scene and the two police officers came back over to us. "Hi, kids I'm Officer Kimberly," I rolled my eyes at their patronizing tone but the women either ignored it or didn't see it. "We are going to have you go inside and grab your stuff and then we're going to need you to come down to the station to give your statements about what you saw. I know this is going to be hard for all of you but me and Officer Bard will be with you the whole time."
"What happens after?" I kept my tone even and my face blank, both women seemed to look me over before Officer Bard replied.
"Well, we will be calling social services who will most likely do a DNA test to find out if you have any blood relatives who want to take custody of the three of you."
"We're adopted, we have no blood relatives so what then?" Sawyer's voice sounded cold and detached from his usual personality probably wary of the police but also scared about what might happen.
"Well we don't know for certain but in the case where social services can not find any relatives you will be sent into foster care or to a group home."
I nodded and started walking towards the house with my twins and those officers following close behind. I bypass everything and walk straight to our room and take off my backpack. I grab our small stack of clothes and throw it into my backpack. Sawyer puts all the books and small things we have managed to collect over the years into his and Quinn takes our necklaces that apparently our birth mother left us from where we hid them, the medical bag, and our stash of money we have been saving and puts them into her backpack.
The policewomen watched wordlessly and when we were done and began to move towards the door they gave us a weird look but led us back out of the house. They led us to a police car and the three of us got into the back with Quinn in the middle holding both my and Sawyer's hands. I rubbed my thumb absentmindedly against her hand trying to comfort her but I really do not know how to comfort anyone, not even my twin.
I watch out the window as we move past the falling apart homes and broken down cars. Soon leaving the neighborhood we spent our lives living in as we traveled to the police station.
"When we get there none of us can say anything ok? We just walked in and he was stabbing Dianne. If they ask anything else we don't answer." I say to my twins in Spanish.
"What if they split us up?" Quinn's voice that has always sounded too soft to speak Russian filled the car.
"We won't let that happen ok?" I replied quietly in Spanish tightening my hold on her hand. The policewomen were looking at us weirdly probably because we were speaking Spanish but it shouldn't be too surprising because of the town we live in I could tell neither of them spoke it.
My twins nodded and I went back to looking out the window waiting to see the police station ahead of us. I saw the sign first. It was one of those electric ones that flashed up information about whatever was important to the police. I looked to the building next as the officers found their parking spot. The building was a typical building on this side of town not exactly run down but also definitely not modern. We used to live on the other side of the scale upscale and modern but after Papi died Dianne moved us to the other side which was definitely the run-down side of the city left behind in the renovations.
We had to wait for the officers to get out of the car and let us out of the back three of us exchanged a glance agreeing to let me talk for the three of us and we all followed the officers into the building.
The inside had dull fluorescent lights and the other officers and workers in the building looked at the three of us with various expressions though I could tell that they all knew why we were here.
The three of us walked after the officers who led us to rooms where they took our pictures then had us change in a backroom and took our clothes as evidence after that they gave us some stuff to get the blood spatter off our hands and faces. They also had us do DNA tests and said they would check the system for our relatives. All three of us rolled our eyes at their hopeful faces.
I was tired of this and they haven't even started to take our statements. I don't even see why they need our so-called statements. It's pretty obvious what happened. I don't see why we have to be the ones to spell it out to the police. It's their job to do that.
They then had the three of us go into an interrogation room and had us sit across the table from them. I smirked as they pulled out their little notebook and file folder.
"Okay, guys why don't you tell us what happened today."
I rolled my eyes and leaned back on the plastic chair. What did they expect us to say? "Well officer, we woke up, went to school, left school hung out for a while went home, and found our good ole stepdad murdering our mother." I kept my face blank but my tone was full of sarcasm.
"Did your father say anything about why he was so angry?"
"Oh yeah, I forgot that part like all evil villains he calmly sat us all down and explained his exact reasons for his actions," I smirked in my head as the officer's narrowed their eyes on me.
"I am aware this is hard for you Avery but our job is to find out what exactly happened ."
"And I am telling you," I was annoyed and tired and honestly couldn't care less about what happened. I just wanted to leave with my twins and try to get some sleep.
"Okay well, the police were called by one of your neighbors when they believed they heard a gunshot from within the house do you know anything about that?"
I looked at them with fake confusion and scrunched up my face, "There was a gunshot?"
The Officers exchanged a look and then told us they were going to step out of the room for a second. I glanced at my twins who were both wearing their emotionless masks and shrugged at them and they left the room.
"We could tell them what they did to us, I don't see why we are lying to them." Quinn's perfect French filled the small room.
I sighed wishing it was that easy. I knew my twins both knew this too but Quinn always hoped for things to get better. "Just because Jacob and Dianne are it doesn't mean their friends are. And we don't even know if they will believe us. And if they do it might affect where they send us."
Sawyer and Quinn both nodded. We talked about going to the cops a few times, even tried it once but that was one of the worst punishments we have ever gotten. I won't risk my twins just to get some small semblance of justice by putting some of those people in jail.

The Mafia's Missing Triplets
General FictionThe family's mother seemingly ran away 8 months before the triplets were born. Though their family missed her after searching for a year they gave up and realized that she did not want to be found never knowing about the triplets. She had the triple...