Chapter Seventeen

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Avery's POV

    We headed back along the path leaving Mr. Temperamental Shit Goat and his talkative twin behind. As we walked I led with Sawyer and Quinn behind me.

    "So Ave, how are we going to get back in?" Well, I was hoping for them to not question that part of my plan yet but oh well.

    "Well, dear brother it's honestly a genius plan. We'll go through the front door."

    Quinn laughed, "Why am I not surprised. Next time we sneak out Sawyer is in charge of planning," she sighed and I shrugged.

    "What about those twins?"

    "What about them Sawy," Although Quinn didn't talk to them I knew we all felt weirdly comfortable around them.

    "We meet random people in the woods and we aren't questioning it?"

    Quinn laughed a bit, "Well I highly doubt they plan on killing us considering they let us leave when we were in an isolated place."

    "Yeah as much as we should be careful around them they had a perfect opportunity to attack us and they didn't," I knew Sawyer was just being cautious he wouldn't have made conversation with them if he was afraid of them.

    "Well, I wasn't exactly worried about that but still should we keep talking to them?"

    I shrugged, "I don't know."

    The house came into view and we quieted down a bit, "I hope you have an explanation for them, Avery."

    "Chill Sawyer I have this all figured out."

    Quinn snorted, "Like the plan to sneak out?" Well someone is being more confident than usual.

    "Okay, I admit that the whole sneaking out was planned last minute but relax I've got this." They didn't question it any further and we headed around the house to the front door and when I tried to open it it was locked. I sighed at the inconvenience and knocked.

    After a second I heard voices in Italian from inside, "That better be them. How could they just sneak out."

    "Relax Leo they are just kids who have been through a lot recently. We need to be kind not yell."

    The door swung open and I was face to face with Remo and Leonardo and I raised a brow at their faces and walked inside with my twins following. We missed dinner, not as if we cared, so I headed to the stairs. "Where do you think you're going?"

    "To our room," I gave Leonardo a blank look and Remo was on the phone with someone.

    "Everyone is out looking for you right now."

    "Well now they can come back," I turned to lead my twins upstairs.

    "Avery Adelina stop." I kept walking up the stairs and Leonardo sighed. "You three are grounded."

    I laughed, "You honestly think grounding us will do anything?" In all reality we didn't listen to our tormentors unless our twins were at risk, getting grounded was childs play to other 'punishments' we have been given

    I didn't give him a chance to say anything as we were at the top of the stairs and headed down the hallway where our room was.

    Once in our room and with the door locked, we all spread out. Quinn started to go through the bags with the electronics and began setting up the phones and other Apple products for us. While Sawyer sat out on the roof looking at the stars and I sketched in my worn sketchbook.

    "All of these have built-in trackers, I could probably disable them but they would know if they checked."

    "Hmmm, can you trick it if we kept them on like have them report the wrong locations?" She bit her lip thinking then nodded, "Let's just do that then." I went back to sketching the junkyard from Nevada and she went back to playing with the devices all around her.

    There was a knock at the door, Quinn glanced up but went back to work, I sighed tucked my sketchbook away, and went to the door. I unlocked it and opened it to find Remo with a plate of sandwiches and water bottles.

    I raised a brow at him in a challenge and he sighed, "You three need to eat. And I would like to talk to you if you are okay with that."

    He was alone so I shrugged and let him in, Quinn glanced up again and gave me a confused look which I responded with a careless shrug. I gestured to the desk chair and then sat on the bed waiting.

    He looked quizzically around the room probably looking for Sawyer, "Where's-" he came in through the window and gave me a pissed-off look and I gave him an innocent smile and he rolled his eyes and joined me on the bed watching Remo. "Um, Quinn if you need any help with all of that we can help you I know you three probably don't know how to set up all the technology so just wait and we can help you."

    She just shrugged distracted in her world of coding and tech stuff, "She knows what she's doing." He nodded and didn't question it or push the issue as I am sure Alessandro would do.

    "Well, then I know everything is hard and confusing right now and I know you don't trust us. At first, I was putting myself first which is wrong I want you three to know that we aren't going to hurt you. And like it or not we want to be there for you so when you are ready to let us in just let us in. None of us know a lot about each other and that will take time and that will take time." I watched him closely. He seemed to be telling the truth. "Tomorrow night we will all be leaving to go back to Nevada." He, like they did before watched for a reaction but didn't get one. He stood, "I'll leave the sandwiches and water here. I wasn't sure what kind of sandwich you three like so I just made three of the most common ones. You can put the ones you don't eat in this bag and well take them later ok." Again I nodded but he didn't seem to mind.

    He headed out carefully passing Quinn and said goodnight to each of us. At the last second I called out to him, "Uh Remo," He turned to look at me, "Thanks for the food and saying all that."

    His features softened a bit and a flash of happiness crossed his face, "You're welcome Avery. Sweet dreams you three." He left after that and we all went back to what we were doing ignoring everything he said. None of us bothered to try and fall asleep fearing the dreams that would come.

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