Alessandro's POV
(During the day of the trial)
We all watched the triplets as we drove to the courthouse. I expected to see various emotions on their faces, anger, guilt, hurt maybe. All of them just looked blank. We were all worried about them. If I had it my way then they wouldn't even be here but the government here ordered them to come and getting them out of it could lead to a lot of trouble and potentially put the triplets into more danger with the other mafias. I knew they were not okay. We all did. We knew it the moment Avery didn't fight back with the fire in her as she usually did and by how close the three were sticking together today.
I felt guilty for not being able to spend more time with them and also with everything our family has said about them. They didn't deserve that and we will be fixing it once we get home. During the trial Jacob gave off a look I didn't trust at all and I hated that my three babies had to live in the same house as him. When Avery was called up I expected her anger and for her to march up to the stand and nail this ass to the ground but as she passed him he grabbed her and all I saw was red. He said something to her and all I saw was her fear and I wanted to kill the guy right then and there but Avery bolted off and Sawyer and Quinn were right behind her before anyone could put together what just happened. The officers pulled Jacob back to his seat and my family and I all raced after the triplets. We saw them going into some meeting and the state's lawyer met us there.
Adriano knocked on the door a little harshly and Remo pulled him away. I knew Adriano was just worried about the triplets but I knew the worst thing to do right now was to barge into the room. I called out to them hoping to get them to open the door for us. Strangely instead of Avery calling out, it was Sawyer who asked for a minute which we gave them. There was some soft murmuring inside the room and I decided to knock again. This time Sawyer opened the door and as usual, all three of them had blank looks on their faces and Avery and Quinn looked completely relaxed.
What told me they were not okay and were lying was that Sawyer spoke for them. Avery still insisted on testifying though and didn't leave any room for argument that was about to be thrown at her and her twins. The lawyer sent us an uneasy glance but when she called back at us we knew there was nothing for us to do other than follow her.
As she was asked questions she answered dully it was like she was somewhere else and was barely listening to the questions. Something was definitely wrong but I didn't know what and I hated it. They let her off the stand quickly once they realized she wasn't going to be answering in detail like they probably wanted. She went back to sit with Sawyer and Quinn and they all got close together which I adored. Even with everything going on in their lives they stay together through it all. That was something I wanted for all my kids and I hoped they would let us have bonds like the ones they had with one another.
Remo wanted to check in with the triplets as we all did seeing their reactions today but I knew that if one of us was going to help the triplets today it would be Remo. He was the one that the younger boys went to when they needed someone to listen and while I wish they felt comfortable to talk with me I understood and let Remo help them. The two men behind the triplets began to talk to them as Remo headed towards them and cut in before Sawyer could say something to them. The four left quickly and the two men looked towards where they left and then began talking to one another.
Remo sat with the triplets when he came back probably to see if they would need him at all when Jacob was sentenced although no matter what sentencing he got I already made sure that he was going to be sent to our mafia warehouse in New York later this week. He made the triplets watch him kill someone and had drugs around them. There was no way he was going to get off with a jail sentence for that. My meeting the other day with a group of brothers that we had running this area for our mafia already had everything planned.

The Mafia's Missing Triplets
Ficción GeneralThe family's mother seemingly ran away 8 months before the triplets were born. Though their family missed her after searching for a year they gave up and realized that she did not want to be found never knowing about the triplets. She had the triple...