Chapter Thirty-Three

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Avery's POV

As Remo turned to walk back out the door with us following but stopped abruptly when an older man in an expensive suit and greying hair stood in front of him. He looked the three of us over then looked over at his grandsons, "Leave us."

All the boys left the room immediately, all of their fake confidence gone in an instant and I led my twins back to the couch waiting for whatever this was to start. The man sat on the couch opposite us and I saw curiosity peaking through his attempt at an angry face. Quinn tensed under his gaze but as always we kept our blank faces up. I was curious to see the game he wanted to play and he was decent at faking his anger so this could be entertaining as long as the anger doesn't turn real.

"So you three are my son's long-lost children."

I look him in the eye and shrug noncommittally, "That's what the DNA claims." If I was someone else with a different childhood I wouldn't have noticed his eyes narrow slightly proving my answer upset him but I did. This tells me that this conversation is most likely a test of some sort most likely to see our family loyalty or some bullshit. If I was right we would most likely fail. The only people the three of us were loyal to were each other. As Quinn likes to say forever and always.

"And you disagree?" Curiosity through the angry face at least the man was interesting. Quinn relaxed a tad when Sawyer moved a bit closer to it and his eyes softened for a split second he may end up disliking us but he liked that we were close with one another.

I just hummed, "They are nice people and have treated us well." A slight raise of an eyebrow interest peaking like he cared. I knew better though strangers don't care about you most people don't care even when they know you.

He sat back a bit, "I don't see you as my children." A slight twitch of the eye, twitch of his fingers, and a barely noticeable slant of the lips told me he was lying but I played along. He was a good liar and honestly, this is the most entertainment I've had today.

I shrugged, "Why do we care?" I figured we failed whatever test he was playing and was ramping up for a new game.

His eyes widened a bit at my reply, most likely expecting us to demand he claim us and shower us in riches or be upset. The fact we didn't care not only surprised him but disappointed him. "I choose family when I know them," something I can agree with, "I don't know you three but I hope over time we can get to know one another."

I just shrugged, he may want us but just as he was testing us we were testing him. First impressions may not mean everything but lying and playing games with people he just met leaves a very bad one for us. I give him a 'maybe' and again his eyes narrow slightly before relaxing into a more calm position telling me whatever games and tests we've been playing are over for the moment.

"My son tells me you three speak Russian."

It wasn't a question but I nod yes and tell him the same thing we've told the others about Papi. As I spoke about Papi he narrowed his eyes a bit, a weird flash of envy and anger flashed across his calm facade. He doesn't like that Papi raised us for whatever reason but he would have to deal with it.

I changed the subject, "Do you know how to play chess?"

I could practically feel my twins' surprise under their stoney defenses and he raised his eyebrows slightly with curiosity as he told me he did.

I nod, "We should play sometime." My twins' surprise turned to curiosity and the man smiled slightly before he caught himself and easily agreed.

I wasn't stupid I could sense the danger hiding within him however as long as he continued to look at us as curiosities at a zoo rather than his eventual dinner I was going to do my best to get inside his head and understand him. So far he is the most interesting person I have met and I want to understand his mind in order to win at every mind game he wants to play.

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