Sawyer's POVAvery joined us as the movie ended and soon after the fire alarm went off waking Quinn however Remo told everyone it was a false alarm due to Cesco not making something correctly. Quinn, obviously knowing more about things in the kitchen, rolled her eyes and flopped back against me. Avery and I gave her questioning looks and she just shook her head in exasperation making the two of us laugh.
Why they would let him in the kitchen let alone near something that could cause a fire is beyond me.
Leonardo was the one to look into the room next and smiled when he saw all of us taking up space on the couch. I wasn't sure if it was more surprising to see him here or that he is happy that all of us were watching TV rather than doing something productive like all adults preach as if they were the perfect studious kids when they were actually young. Although Leonardo probably was the serious student as a kid more focused on the future than his own present.
Leo cleared his throat grabbing the attention of the zombies who were too engaged in the movie to notice his presence. "Dinner's ready and the whole family is here."
Quinn tensed, nervous for the confrontation of all the people especially after what happened last time we tried to do one of these dinners. I squeeze her hand and the three of us follow our brothers out of the room to the bigger dining room where lots of voices could be heard talking.
We went from barely seeing most of our family to a giant family dinner in less than a day. We sit towards the end of the table Avery and I on either side of Quinn with Samuele and Cesco across from us and Leonardo and Dante sitting close as well. It seemed that our brothers were intentionally keeping a little distance between the three of us and some of our relatives we didn't know all too well. It was a strange dinner. The food choice was interesting however it was the joking nature of people teasing Cesco for managing to set the rolls on fire somehow.
The three of us spent most of our time eating and observing our family as they interacted with one another. The younger kids seemed more jovial and unguarded and while the older people at the table played along and joked around with them it was clear that like us they have seen the darkness of the world. With their profession though I wasn't sure if they were the perpetrators or the victims.
We weren't dumb they were mafia not charitable, God-loving, innocent people. They've done bad things. The question is if we are okay with it. Avery is, she has always been one to advocate revenge as long as innocents aren't hurt then it's fine. I thought I was fine with it but sitting at a table with people who have most likely been part of the type of death and pain I spend hours listening and reading about is different.
When Remo leaves the room to grab what he claims is for dessert dad stands bringing all the attention to him. "As you all know there was a threat made against the younger kids in the family. We believe we have found the people responsible for it and are handling it; however, we will still keep the increased security for everyone 18 and younger as a precaution."
"Handling it?" Avery questions sounding more intrigued than anything.
"Yes, we have everything under control."
My twin hummed to his answer and didn't contest his words any farther. Remo brings out a tray full of ice cream and then leaves the room giving strict instructions for no one to touch the ice cream. Grandpa, Dante, Luigi, and Luca all neglect to listen to his instructions; however when Cesco moves to take a bowl of ice cream he is told no which leads to Dante sticking his tongue out at his little brother making some people laugh. When Remo returns with a tray full of ice cream toppings he frowns at the fact he wasn't listened to, however soon he lets everyone take what they want from the two trays.

The Mafia's Missing Triplets
General FictionThe family's mother seemingly ran away 8 months before the triplets were born. Though their family missed her after searching for a year they gave up and realized that she did not want to be found never knowing about the triplets. She had the triple...