Chapter Twenty-Six

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A/N almost all of this chapter will be about the abuse the triplets went through so read only if you can handle discussion about abuse

Avery's POV

*Abuse Scene Warning*

    We were late getting back to the house because we worked on a car for too long. We should run and we would but Quinn was more hurt than usual and while I knew she would run if I suggested it I didn't want her to hurt herself anymore. She still had a healing cut that we had to stitch on her thigh and she might have a broken rib but we didn't know for sure and she wouldn't tell us how bad it hurt. We stayed home the past two days so she could rest but we needed the money and Sawyer and Quinn refused to split up for one of us to go work while the other stayed with Quinn.

    When we approached the house I dreaded the lights were on and Jacob's truck was in the driveway. I shared an uneasy glance with my twins after he tortured Quinn and beat Sawyer and I three days ago Jacob and Dianne both disappeared. We were always careful not to be late but we didn't expect them back for a few more days so we risked finishing the work for Julio.

    I led us to the front door that was still halfway open, I could hear Jacob and Henry laughing inside the house. I balled my hands into fists and walked into the house slowly hoping that we could get to our room without them hearing us or deciding to look for us. We made it to the hallway that our small room was attached to when Henry saw us.

    "Look the little bitches are here." He stalked towards us and I moved to be in front of Quinn and he laughed. "The main bitch is still trying to protect the others she just wants the attention."

    Jacob came over from the living room and was clearly high and I knew that tonight was not going to go well. "Well, let's give them all attention tonight."

Henry laughed and grabbed me and Sawyer by the arms and then Jacob came and grabbed Quinn. We all struggled but we hadn't eaten in days and were already tired from working all day. They drug us to the basement calling for Dianne to come and watch, Henry shoved me down the stairs and I landed at the bottom with my head pounding. I signaled to my twins that I was alright as they were forced down the stairs. We were chained up quickly and Dianne joined them. I was sure all three of them were high off something and when these three people were high it always ended with all three of us in pain for weeks.

    They went to Quinn first, they hit her and Dianne used a hot skillet from upstairs to burn her stomach. They then did other stuff to her and poured freezing water on her while Sawyer and I screamed for them to stop to leave her be. She was barely conscious by the time they left her alone. They then moved on to Sawyer and hit him for a long time before Henry and Dianne both took with him. They copied their earlier actions and poured ice water all over him as he fought against the chains. They then moved on to me. "Avery! Its a dream. It's okay."

Abuse scene over

    I opened my eyes and Quinn hugged me tightly and Sawyer rubbed my back. "What the fuck was that?" I flinched slightly as I heard Adriano swear but didn't look at them and focused on Quinn's scent trying to calm my breathing and beating heart.

Alessandro's POV

    We watched the triplets leave the room quickly after our attempt at apologizing to them. I knew they were hiding something but I wasn't sure what. They were all very close and knew exactly how the others would act and I was jealous of their bond with one another. It hurt that they called me Alessandro but I understood they were raised by other people that weren't me. Although they never spoke much about their adoptive mother.

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