Chapter Fifteen

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Avery's POV

    We made it to our room and wordlessly split up to change into pajamas. It was a long day with the shopping and the fight and the three of us were exhausted but I made Sawyer and Quinn both let me look at their injuries. Sawyer had a few new bruises from the fight, while we were all unhealthy we have learned how to fight and where to hit someone so he was better off than Adriano was. He also still had a lot of bruises that were healing but none of them were serious. Quinn was the one I was more worried about; her shoulder was not looking any better and the stab wound on her stomach might be getting infected. The burn was, fortunately, healing well though and her other bruises were all starting to heal. Her back was the thing I hated looking at. It was covered in words they carved into her back.

    I sighed giving them both painkillers and got up to lock the door and turn the lights off. I got into the bed next to Quinn who was now in between Sawyer and me. They fell asleep fast but it took time for me to finally fall asleep.

Quinn's POV

    Avery shook me awake gently and I groaned, "Really?" Sawyer who was across the room laughed.

    "We woke up an hour ago Quinny, you need to shower before we go downstairs to talk to Alessandro in the office." He made his voice deep and dramatic at the last part which made me smile and Avery roll her eyes.

    I slowly got up and Avery passed me clothes she got out for me and went into the bathroom. I locked the door and turned the water on and took my clothes off and hopped into the warm water. I decide to use strawberry scented shampoo and conditioner and body wash and I get washed slowly enjoying the warm water and being careful to avoid my wounds.

    The conditioner bottle was slippery and it fell from my hand when I grabbed it falling to the floor with a bang.

AN- Abuse scene was taken out

The sound of the basement door echoed in my head. Jacob's face. Dianne's. The screaming. Bang. Pain shooting through me. Bang. Avery and Sawyer's faces. Bang, the door slamming over. Yelling. Everything was swirling.

    I fell back and slid to the ground of the shower the area between my legs throbbing hearing the sounds of the door banging open. Everywhere in my body was simultaneously numb and in pain all of it real and imagined. I could tell I was barely breathing but I couldn't do anything about it. I could faintly tell that my vision started to have black dots take it over and I started counting the numbers to pi to try and calm down. I stayed there and recited the numbers as focused my senses on the smell of strawberries.

    A knock at the door pulled my attention, "Quinn? Are you ok you've been in there for a while?" Avery's voice called to me.

    "Yeah, I'll be out in a second just got lost in thought." I didn't want them to know how many flashbacks and panic attacks I really had knowing they would blame themselves. I washed myself carelessly and quickly and hopped out of the shower ignoring new pain and threw on the clothes Avery gave me.

Avery's POV

    I was a little worried about Quinn when she came out of the bathroom but let it be knowing she was not going to talk about it. We headed towards the kitchen hoping to find Alessandro to get this little discussion over with.

    Luckily for us, Leonardo spotted us and asked us to follow him to Alessandro's office. We went into a hallway we haven't been shown before and I focused on remembering the layout of this new hallway to my map of the house.

    At the end of the hallway, there was Alessandro's office I could tell just from the placement and how rich the doors just looked. Leonardo knocked in a way only a businessman could.

    "Come in," Leonardo opened the door and ushered us all in. "Piccolos good morning." His eyes seemed to brighten and Remo who was also in the room was watching us too. I just nodded at him, "Ok, why don't you guys sit and we can get started."

    I rolled my eyes not liking being told what to do even if it's done nicely. "Or we could not and you just tell us whatever you want to say and we can leave."

    He narrowed his eyes at me with a frown and I narrowed my eyes to fight back with a blank face. "Avery, I only want you to be comfortable as we talk."

    I scoffed, "You are just going to tell us stuff that's not really a 'talk'"

    He sighed hopefully acknowledging that I was not going to do what he asked, "Okay if any of you wish to sit then you are allowed. Anywhere you like. He had a couple of chairs in front of his desk and two couches against the walls. Remo was sitting on one of the couches and Leonardo joined him. All three continued to watch us.

    "At this point, you should know we aren't going to talk first so you might as well say whatever you have to say."

    He sighed, "Well first I would like to talk to Sawyer about the fight with Adriano." I raised my brow telling him to continue. "What was the cause of the fight?"

    While Sawyer was slightly behind me I could almost feel when he rolled his eyes, "The way all fights are caused." He wasn't going to tell them why he really attacked him and they need to stop asking.

    Alessandro opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by Leonardo, "Where did you learn to fight like that."

    Sawyer shrugged, "Prison." While not the full truth he did get detained and for fun, the other detainees brawled a bit before they were separated.

    "We're serious." Okay well, they were also not in the mood for fun stories.

    "And we are too Alessandro." I gave him a dazzling smile that made his face soften for whatever reason before he hardened it again.

    "Well, for now on no more fighting, am I clear?"

    "About not fighting thing or you or yourself because I definitely can not see through you," I smirked at him as he narrowed his eyes again and Remo stifled his laugh.

    He ultimately decided to ignore my comment which for him was probably one of his smarter decisions while in my opinion, it was a little rude. "Secondly, unfortunately, you will be needed to testify in your step-father's trial. I know you have not known us long and this is going to be hard to do but we will be there for you three the entire time."

They all seemed to examine us for a reaction but we didn't give them one, "Thanks I guess but it's not needed."

"Well, we will always be here," I just shrugged in response.

"Are they going to have all three of us testify or only one of us?" Quinn asked quietly.

Alessandro smiled at her, "As of right now we don't know." We nodded.

He paused to look us over and I felt Remo's and Leonardo's eyes on us as well. "Okay, thirdly we have looked over your school records." Here we go, "As we already said we expect your attendance to improve as well as your grades. We also expect you to stay out of fights. If there is a problem go to one of your older brothers."

I gave him a look, "We don't need them to fix our problems."

He gave me a look back, "And I'm happy you feel that way but nevertheless you will go to your older brothers."

I shrugged knowing that wouldn't be happening, "Fine." He seemed surprised I agreed so easily but didn't complain. He told a bit more about the school saying it was a public school but was a very good school and gave us a paper with electives to choose from. They also wanted us to take a placement test because of all the days we missed from school and they don't have all our records because we moved schools a lot in the past so they must've gotten lost. We all agreed not seeing a reason to fight them on that. After that they let us leave and we headed back up to our room not wanting to talk to anyone.

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