Avery's POV
We went back to our room once the 'discussion' was over. Quinn flopped onto the bed then slid off the side so she was hanging upside down. Sawyer gave her a weird look, "Weirdo."
She pouted and narrowed her eyes and said something in what I think was Korean.
Sawyer scowled, "I am not an idiot Quinn."
She tilted her head at him, "When did you learn Korean?"
He looked confused and then beamed, "Wait! I know Korean?"
I rolled my eyes at the two children and opened my laptop to look at some of the mafia crap I didn't look at yesterday. Quinn mumbled 'apparently' and then turned to me, "Does all this mean that we can speak in different languages now?"
I hummed as Sawyer vaulted onto the bed jumping over Quinn and landing jostling her but didn't move to help steady her. I gave him a look, Quinn falling off the bed would probably lead to her getting hurt again.
Quinn whined before I could answer, "Avy, Sawyer's being mean." The same words I heard daily when we were kids.
I hid my amusement as Sawyer glared at her and I replied, "Then be mean back."
She pushed herself up and seemed a bit disoriented as she looked over at me, "You want me to be mean to him?" She spoke as if she was trying to understand a theoretical physics problem instead of fighting back against her twin. Although solving a theoretical physics problem would probably make more sense to her than fighting with someone. Sawyer and I were there to fight for her so she doesn't have to.
Sawyer bursted out in laughter and she frowned at him. Quinn then pulled out her phone and Sawyer put in earbuds to listen to his podcasts. When people began to bang on our door Sawyer basically flew off the bed in surprise, Quinn jumped a bit too but she then began to laugh at Sawyer who glared at her and flashed her the middle finger which only made her laugh harder.
I rolled my eyes at their antics and stood and headed to the door where the banging continued turning more into a song than reckless banging. I opened it and like all the cliche movies three idiots stumbled into the room and then looked at me weirdly as if opening a door that is being knocked on is not in the realm of normalcy.
I ignore Cesco, Samuele, and Aldo and look to my other brothers and cousins waiting for an explanation. Adriano scowled at me, "You three are going to hang out with us."
I raised my brows, since when did they get to tell us what to do, before I can say anything though Angelo cuts in, "What he means is you three shouldn't stay locked up in your room all day again so we want to hang out with you guys in the game room."
Agosto rolled his eyes, "Or we were told we have to hang out with you until dinner." He was a shitty liar and I rolled my eyes right back at him.
Sawyer, who walked to the door and was standing behind me, agreed to hang out with them. I flashed him a middle finger behind my back so only he could see it. He nudged me and called Quinn to get moving.
Quinn's POV
I texted Nikolai back telling him I had to go and headed to the door where apparently we were going to 'hang out'. Once I joined them we headed to the game room where my twins and I had yet to visit. It was completely teched out with different screens and gaming consoles and games littered around. However, one of the many TV screens was clearly broken from something hitting it. It was obvious this is where our brother and cousins spend a lot of their time from the messiness of the room.

The Mafia's Missing Triplets
Ficción GeneralThe family's mother seemingly ran away 8 months before the triplets were born. Though their family missed her after searching for a year they gave up and realized that she did not want to be found never knowing about the triplets. She had the triple...