Chapter Eighteen

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Sawyer's POV

    By the time morning came, I had listened to many podcasts with the new electronics Quinn set up and was not looking forward to going downstairs. Quinn was still in her own world of computers as she played with one of the new laptops and Avery was lying on the bed drawing something. After a while of more procrastination we finally all got up and ready to go downstairs although we took longer than usual all feeling the effects of staying up all night and I knew we were going to need coffee this morning.

    We headed downstairs and into the kitchen as the new morning routine and everyone was there. We got varying looks from everyone but as usual, we ignored them and headed to the coffee maker Quinn got there first and glanced at us, "How much?"

    "3 shots of espresso." Avery's words gained the interest of Alessandro.

    "Um, kids why don't you start with a regular coffee for now."

    We all ignored him and Quinn efficiently added everything for our coffees and I grabbed us mugs.

    "Don't fret Alessandro we know what we're doing." Yeah, a tired Avery is never someone to second guess.

    "I'm sure you do but that's a lot of caffeine."

    "Did you three sleep last night? You all look exhausted." There is Dante Mr. Mood Swings.

    "We didn't." And here goes the blunt Avery.

    "Is there a reason none of you slept?" In comes Leonardo to fix the problems.

    "Yep." Avery's reply got us a look but it was ignored. They really need to figure out that we don't care. Quinn seemed to ignore the whole conversation and finished making the coffees and handed us both mugs then hopped up and sat on the counter and watched the argument which earned her a concerned look from Remo.

    "Care to tell us the reason tesoro." Alessandro asked.

    "No thanks, Alessandro."

"He's your dad Avery." I guess their loyalty is kicking in but he still isn't our father.


Alessandro sighed, "Where were the three of you yesterday." He changed the subject quickly.

"Out." They keep looking at us like we were going to tell them anything.

"Well as you've already been told no sneaking out if you want to go something then you need to let one of us know."

"So then one of you can track us down easily?" Yeah, that was not happening. Being followed and watched over is not who we are.

"We want to make sure you are safe."

"We're in a neighborhood filled with rich people and their families. I'm pretty sure this is the safest place we have ever been in." While true I'm sure my twins had the same feeling I did that they weren't worried about their rich neighbors.

"I'm aware of that but that does not change the fact that we need to know where you three are."

"Hmm, fine fine. Next time we sneak out we'll tell you we are sneaking out." He narrowed his eyes at Avery but with a sigh, he nodded.

"Come on guys I'll help you pack for the trip tonight." In comes Francesco to stop the arguing.

He dragged the three of us to our room and ran out right after we walked in. He came back pushing three giant suitcases. "I know we're only going for a few days but I'm not sure how much you guys want to pack so," he waved at the suitcases as if that was an adequate explanation to his thought process behind the large suitcases.

Quinn shrugged and went into our closest and came back with a few changes of clothes for each of us and threw them into one of the suitcases. "And we're done packing," Avery announced with jazz hands as Quinn headed over to where her laptop was charging.

Francesco stared at the three of us dumbfounded, "That's it?"

"Yup you can go now," Did he really think we needed his help.

"But you just put clothes in it, and you didn't even look at the clothes."

"Well add other stuff before we leave and we trust Quinn's choices." He continued to look at us, "bye now." Avery began to try and shoo him off like he was a puppy which was highly amusing to watch.

"Fine fine, you're done packing but I'm staying." Avery sighed and fell onto the bed dramatically done with this person's presence.


He looked to me hopefully, "You can call me Cesco and I want to plan a prank against the twins with you," he gave me a mischievous look and I motioned for him to continue. "Okay, the twins always work together to prank me so now that you're here I can finally have partners in crime. So," he drew out for way too long, "We need to prank them."

"And you expect us to help because?" Avery was listening now.

"Because I am older," He said in a questioning tone which we all rolled our eyes at. "Please," he drew it out for a while and added a puppy dog look, and Avery and I just stared at him.

"If we agree, will you go away?"

He narrowed his eyes at us with a pout, "Yes."

"Then fine." He beamed and ran out of the room saying how great this was going to be.

Angelo who was in the hall I guess looked into the room, "What'd you say to him?"

"We agreed to help him prank you." Tired Avery was blunt and Angelo looked over Avery and me and then to Quinn who was still playing with her laptop and smirked and left. We then heard the twins and Francesco yelling and Francesco cursing us and a lot of running. We looked up and shrugged.

Our old phone went off after a bit and we all looked at it and Quinn picked it up. "It's Nikolai, he says hi."

She tossed the phone to Avery who caught it easily and I noticed a small wince from Quinn when she tossed the phone. Avery typed out a response asking Quinn for our new numbers and she recited them from memory. Avery sent the text and tossed the phone down.

After a minute or so our three new phones all dinged, Quinn quickly took each of them and typed something into each phone and handed me one and I tossed it to Avery and then took the next one she handed me. It was opened to a group chat with numbers of my twins and then Nikolai and Viktor.

Nikolai said he opened the chat and asked what we were doing. Avery replied with a fuck off and I explained that we were packing for a short trip. They didn't ask questions though Avery and Viktor did get into an argument for no reason. They said they had to go after a few minutes but would text us later.

Quinn took the phones back and said that we would need to get Alessandro and the other's numbers for our phones and she already put Julio's phone number in the phones she then gave us the rest of our respective electronics with the apps and programs we each like and we all did our own thing until Remo popped his head into our room telling us we were going to be leaving the house in an hour.

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