Quinn's POVWe lazed around in the forts, for once we told our family where we were going, well Avery told the twins as they played video games so there is a high chance they will totally forget that we said anything. Unlike the past times we have come here Elliott, Addison, and Willow were all here as well as Nikolai and Viktor. It was a bit cramped but no one seemed to mind as Addison questioned us about Samuele. With her personality, I wouldn't pair her with Samuele out of all my family members however it was clear she was interested in him however he seemed completely oblivious to it when he was around her.
She wouldn't admit she had a crush but we answered her questions, by we I mean Sawyer and I as Avery rolled her eyes at the conversation, and she and Viktor began arguing about something. I was sitting next to Nik and he traced shapes on my hand discreetly, however, I knew my twins caught on to what was going on between us although like me they didn't know exactly what it was. He was still with Presley. I knew that and tried not to talk to him but he sat next to me. As Addy not so subtly talked about her crush on Samuele Willow was asking a few questions about Alfonso.
Avery had bets on the two being a couple or at least both having crushes on one another. I didn't see it but Sawyer agreed. After one too many questions Avery finally cut in calling her out for being obsessed and she fired back and like that Addy, Avery, and Viktor began arguing. I scooted over to Sawyer who was avoiding Elliott who was on the other side of the fort watching him quietly as he acted like he was writing.
"You okay?" I whisper it to him and he nodded and then looked past me.
"What's the deal with you and Nik?"
I shrug not wanting to talk about it and he gives me a questioning look but then looks away for a second and shrugs. "So you think Samuele and Addison will happen?"
I shook my head and shrugged at him, I had no idea. I wasn't good with these things. "You and Elliott?" Relationships weren't my thing. More so people weren't but I knew my twins.
He shrugged pure conflict shown on his face and before he could reply Addison was questioning us all about some new drama at school. Apparently, a new student came in and started a fight with some group of friends she knew and the gossip of what was happening was everywhere. Avery shrugged it off but I mentally noted the name. I had a program set up to alert me of anything noteworthy in regards to our school and I had no reports of the school admitting a new student.
After a while the girls had to go and as Elliott rode with them over to the twins we all had to leave. We spent some time outside of the fort and Nik pulled me aside quietly. I wasn't worried knowing Avery and Sawyer were close as I looked up at him.
"Is everything okay, Dove?"
I gave him a questioning look at the name but shook my head. He sighed and gave me a pointed look and I caved, "You're with Presley."
He scrunched his eyebrows and shook his head, "I'm not Quinn I'm with you."
I shook my head, "I saw you with her."
He rolled his eyes with a sigh, "We've been friends for a while. She wanted more but I shot her down. I like you, Quinn."
I nodded but Addison came and drug him off before I could say anything and I was left with my twins who were arguing whether or not ice cream should be eaten in space. We headed back home.
Dad and our older brothers were out doing stuff for the business for the afternoon and Remo claimed that the twins were in charge but as they were ignoring us we decided to make lunch for us all. Mostly because if we didn't Cesco may take it upon himself to cook something and burning the house down wasn't on our agenda today.
I plugged my phone into one of the speakers and put on a pop song playlist for background music as we made waffles for everyone. Avery protested but Sawyer and I wanted waffles and she was outvoted. Sawyer sang quietly to one of the songs as Avery hummed, we made waffles with strawberries and blueberries throwing in the flavors we wanted as we went. We were halfway done with making lunch when Cesco burst in singing at the top of his lunges making us all cringe.
Cesco has many talents but, like cooking, singing wasn't one of them. He pouted at our faces but quickly he and Samuele who walked in behind him fixated on the waffles we were making. "Waffles!"
One look from Avery stopped them from their charge at the finished waffles and she sighed, "Wait for them to be done."
Cesco seemed to be ready to test her resolve but when Sawyer glared at him as well the duo sat down. We finished the waffles as our brothers screamed lyrics to songs and Avery sighed, picked up a waffle, and threw it at them. Samuele ducked out of the way but Cesco wasn't paying attention and it hit him in the face.
"Oh not in the way of caesar salad!" He went to throw the waffle at us but Avery cut him off.
"Throw anything at us and we won't take you out driving."
Cesco froze and Samuele looked at us shocked. The three of us already talked about it and decided to give in. Avery would ride in the front and could stop anything from happening and with some simple hacking from me I could control the speed or breaks if we needed to. Plus Sawyer thought it would be entertaining.

The Mafia's Missing Triplets
General FictionThe family's mother seemingly ran away 8 months before the triplets were born. Though their family missed her after searching for a year they gave up and realized that she did not want to be found never knowing about the triplets. She had the triple...