Chapter Forty-Four

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Cesco's POV

We crept into the triplet's room Samuele tried to tell me this was a bad idea but he is out of his popsicles. We had shaving cream and sprinkles and plans for the best prank in history. The babies have gotten away with everything so far and it's time to officially welcome them to the family with the classic prank.

I tiptoed closer to the bed where the three were snuggled up together like three yummy tacos. I should make tacos after this prank.

Sawyer was closest, his arms wrapped around Avery and Quinn, we stayed up super late to pull this off and no way in fireworks shooting off in November are we gonna fail now. I grinned back at Samuele and he gave me a happy smile back. I slowly grab my little brother's hand and the next thing I know is pain and people screaming.

Quinn's POV

Avery manages to stop Sawy from continuing to punch out Cesco. Sawyer stormed from the room and Avery followed, I motioned to her that I would stay back and she nodded. I look over the room confused on what happened Cesco was bloody on the floor from Sawyer attacking him and Samuele was hiding tears while various others spewed out questions. Samuele says something about a prank in response.

I walked into the bathroom and grabbed the first-aid kit. Sawyer would feel better about this if he knew Cesco was okay. I knew he didn't know what he was doing. Someone touched him and he fought back without thinking. I worked on his wounds ignoring everyone else in the room, once I was done I stood and looked around biting my lip. Cesco and Samuele were pulled out of the room by Remo, Luca, and Luigi and Alessandro and uncle Orlando followed them out.

I was going to follow in a second and meet Sawyer and Avery in the library knowing that's where they would head but Angelo stopped me by clearing his throat. He was the last one in the room and I pulled on my hair nervously watching him stare at me sitting on our bed.

"Why'd you help him?"

I shrugged and twisted my hair, "I uh thought it was the right thing to do."

"You didn't help Adriano when Sawyer lost it on him."

I bit my lip, "He was being mean."

Angelo shook his head but didn't comment and I pulled out my laptop hoping to avoid more conversation. He moved closer watching me type and I closed the coding file I was working on switching to one of my new security codes instead of the hacking codes I was working on.

He offered a few suggestions that weren't terrible but it was obvious he was trained in hacking by an organization, not self-taught his coding was more manual as if he memorized things rather than by building a new puzzle every time his way is easy to hack into once you discover the code my way every one of my codes would have to be hacked with a different procedure if anyone could even get that far through my codes.

After a while, he quieted down and let me work until his phone's ringtone of Party in the USA startled me. He muttered an apology as he pulled out his phone and grinned, "Adriano says Dad's letting us skip school because of what happened this morning. Also, no one is getting in trouble because both Sawyer and Cesco were in the wrong." I hummed in response and pulled out my phone and texted Avery and Sawyer the news along with checking to make sure they are okay. I then texted our group chat with our new friends that we weren't going to be at school today.

I looked back at Angelo who was watching me and went back to typing, "What happened this morning anyway?"

I shrugged my guess was Cesco touched Sawyer and he attacked as he does almost always when someone touches him without consent, but I wasn't going to tell that to Angelo. He hummed watching me and then sighed and went back to sitting silently as I typed away.

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