Not So Innocent

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*Smut Warning!*

You always felt out of place at these Hollywood parties. This wasn't your scene - you were more of a homebody, uncomfortable in large crowds, surrounded by strangers. But, your girlfriend had to attend, and, as always, you were happily, and faithfully, by her side.

She was all smiles for the cameras, gripping your hand tightly as she led you towards the bar. Why there were so many cameras at the entrance of a 'private' party, you'd never know. She orders you both a drink, nearly screaming to be heard over the loudness of the crowd.

"Babe!" You tug on her hand, trying to get her attention. "Lizzie!" She turns to face you, bringing you closer to her so she could rub her nose against yours. You can almost hear her hum in question. "We really shouldn't drink too much tonight," her emerald eyes raise to meet yours and you melt. "You're driving, remember?"

The bartender returns and she faces him, retrieving both drinks and handing you the more colorful one.

"I'll call the hotel to have them send someone to pick us up, okay?" She places a quick kiss to the tip of your nose and smiles. "I want us to have a good time."

"What about the car?"

"I'll pick it up tomorrow." She presses her lips to yours to silence you and you quickly forget what exactly you were talking about. "Let's dance."

Your hand in hers, she drags you out to the dance floor, pushing back into you, grinding her ass into your hips.

Holy shit, you think to yourself, nearly chugging your drink as you feel the heat between you growing by the second. She turns towards you, smiling mischievously, and wraps her arms around your neck.

"You look beautiful," she whispers into your ear and you breathe heavily against her neck.

"Not as beautiful as you."

She smiles, sliding her hands down to grab your ass gently. You squeal and her smile turns into a giggle.

"Let me get you another drink," she says, nearly downing hers in one gulp. "I'll get us both one."

She's detached herself from you before you can speak and you're left aching, missing her hot hands all over you.

Standing in the middle of the dance floor, you feel someone come up behind you, hands on your hips. You stiffen, hot lips press against your earlobe.

"You look lonely," it's a man's voice, and you don't move a muscle. "Let's dance."

You don't recognize his voice and when he turns you around, you don't recognize his face either. He must've been like you, a guest of someone who was actually invited. He's pressed up against you and you recoil, still unspeaking, but clearly disinterested.

"Oh, c'mon," you can barely hear him over the music. "I can show you a good time."

Pulling away, he stops you, his hands gripping your hips tightly as he brings himself up against you.

"A beautiful girl like you shouldn't be alone."

Before you have the chance to speak, you feel a hand gripping your elbow, tugging you back and away from the man. When your eyes focus, you realize Lizzie is in front of you and you can't see her face, but her posture just screams confrontational.

From behind her, you see her mouth moving, her eyes not leaving the mans, so you step in. Touching her arm, her head moves ever so slightly in your direction before fully turning towards you.

"Come on, Lizzie," your eyes are begging her to forget about all this. "Please, baby."

Her eyes soften and she returns to your side, wrapping an arm around your waist possessively as she led you towards a far off table. She doesn't look at you as she nearly chugs her drink once again and hands yours off to you wordlessly. She was right, you definitely needed another one. You do the same, downing it quickly, enjoying the burn in your belly.

She sits down, her eyes dark again with a look you're quite familiar with. A blush creeps up your cheeks as she beckons you closer. You obey, walking up to her letting her grab hold of your hips, directing you to sit on her lap.

"You're mine," she nearly growls against your neck, a shiver shooting through your body at the sound. "Say it."

"Lizzie, I -"

You feel her hands sliding up your thighs and your breath hitches. How could you possibly think with her touching you like that?

"Say it," she demands, her fingers dipping between your legs and brushing against your already wet folds.

You let out a breathy moan, squeezing your eyes shut and grabbing onto her shoulders. What had come over her? She'd never acted like this before in public and honestly, it was ridiculously hot. You shuddered against her strong fingers, arching to get her to touch you where you needed her most.

"No." She whispered, kissing your neck softly, knowing it drove you mad. "You need to say it."

"I-I'm yours," you whine, tears springing to your eyes from the painful ache between your legs. This was cruel and she knew it, but it was her favorite game to play.

Normally sweet, and shy Lizzie turned into a different type of beast when people overstepped their boundaries with you, and you fucking loved it. You felt her fingers continue to tease you, her teeth sinking into the flesh of your neck as two digits slipped into your heat with ease. You bit your lip, trying to suppress another moan as she fucked you slowly. So, so slowly.

"Lizzie," you cried softly, "I-I ... please."

"Please, what?"

She curled her fingers and you felt yourself becoming undone, your whole body shaking. She grabbed onto you, keeping you steady as she fucked you, her thumb brushing teasingly across your clit.

"Please, let me -"

Whimpering, you rested your head in the crook of her neck, breathing weakly against her. Possessive Lizzie was the hottest thing in the universe to you.

"I'm yours, I'm yours," you babbled against her neck, your mind absolutely flooded with the feel of her. "Only yours, Lizzie, please!"

"Such a good girl," she praised you, pushing you over the edge as you came against her strong fingers.

Arms wrapped around her, you rode out your orgasm, whining softly as she removed her fingers from your wetness. You watched breathlessly as she raised her fingers to her mouth, placing them on her tongue and sucking them clean.

"Fuck," you felt your pussy twitch at her actions, burying her face in her neck.

"I don't think he'll be bothering you again," she teased. Your mind wasn't on the weirdo on the dance floor, it was on your girlfriend who just fucked you in public - not that anyone was watching, of course.

Your face burned and you felt Lizzie's lips peppering kisses along your shoulder. After staking her claim on you, she was now being sweet and innocent.

Humming softly, she lifted your chin to face her and pressed her lips to yours. You could taste yourself on her and you moaned as she pressed her tongue into your mouth. Was it just this guy that brought this on, or was it something more?

"You're so beautiful when you cum."

You sighed softly, your eyes darkening with desire once more.

"Lizzie -"

"Wait until we get home," she silenced you. "I want to hear you scream my name."

What Love Tastes Like (Elizabeth Olsen x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now