I Missed You

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AN: this was a request from iIkimjustbored2 I hope you like it!

Lizzie had been away for weeks now, which was beginning to feel like years. She worked late hours and was always tired, but somehow found time to talk to me every night. Some nights we would talk about our days, some nights we'd speak in hushed voices, touching ourselves to the sounds of each other's whimpering moans. Tonight was one of those nights that I needed Lizzie to tell me all the dirty things she wanted to do to me while I touched myself to the sound of her voice.

The only problem was that she usually called me, and I was finding it very hard to wait for her. My libido was on overdrive and I was soaked just thinking about her touching me.

Laying in bed doing nothing wasn't helping, and I wasn't going to touch myself without her telling me to, so I was going to do the next best thing.

I rolled over and hugged the body pillow we usually kept at the foot of the bed, lifting one of my legs over it and pushing myself on top of it. I gripped the sheets beneath me as my hips began to move against the firm pillow, my legs already shaking with pleasure as I needily humped it.

"Oh, shit," I whimpered, my knuckles turning white as I increased my speed. "L-Lizzie, fuck yes."

I closed my eyes, my brow furrowing as my first orgasm approached rapidly. I was so horny for her I knew it wouldn't take long for me to get off. I thrust my clothed pussy against the pillow, the friction and my imagination working overtime to get the job done.

I was imagining Lizzie's beautiful, round ass beneath me, my nails digging into her hips as I held her still, thrusting myself up against her. I could hear her begging, moaning, whimpering as I pounded my hips into hers. I held her down, pressing her down into the bed so she couldn't move, her ass raised ever so slightly just for me.

"Y/N," she cried, her mouth left slightly agape at the feel of me against her. "Y/N!"

Her voice got louder, our orgasms approaching as I continued to pound myself against her.

"Y/N, what a dirty girl you're being."

Just as I was about to cum I stopped, those husky words pulling me from my daydream. I turned my head towards the door where she stood, arms crossed, eyebrows raised in playful amusement.

"Lizzie." I moaned lowly, my body trembling with unreleased pleasure.

She wasted no time in walking over to the bed, eyeing me in this compromising position like a piece of meat. Heat rose to my already flushed cheeks, turning them even redder than before.

"What do you think you're doing without me, hm?" She questioned softly, her fingers barely grazing over my arched back.

"I-I was ..." I rolled off of the pillow and looked up at her, my eyes glazed over with lust.

"You didn't cum without me, did you?" She pouted, pulling her shirt over her head.

"No, love." I whispered, smiling lazily as she took off her bra and started working on the buttons of her pants. "But, I couldn't wait for your call. I'm so horny."

"I see that," she said as she climbed into bed with me, tugging on my shorts so she could pull them down. "What were you thinking about? I heard you call my name."

I blushed again, the embarrassment from being caught sneaking up on me again.

"I was thinking about you." I said simply, her fingers stroking my covered sex.

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