The Night Before

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AN: I saw some M.O.M spoilers and holy shit - Lizzie is a phenomenal actress. And that's where the inspiration for this story came from lol. Enjoy!

"Lizzie?" I whispered into the darkness, almost hoping, for a split second, that she wouldn't answer.

"Hmm?" She responded, her voice deep and soft with sleep.

"I'm scared ... about tomorrow."

I was embarrassed to admit it, but I was. It was such a big day for her and I should've been excited and proud, but I was feeling uneasy and I couldn't shake it.

"Why, love?" I stared up at the ceiling, avoiding her gaze as she slid herself closer to me, her cool hand reaching out to cup my cheek.

"It's dumb." I mumbled, mostly to myself, but I knew she heard me.

"Your feelings aren't dumb." She gently made me turn my head to face her, her emerald eyes shining despite the darkness of the room. "Whatever you're feeling is completely valid."

I nodded at her words, knowing she was right. We spoke about our feelings often, or we discussed their existence, at least. I wasn't very good with expressing my emotions, or explaining them very well, and I understood that it probably took a lot of patience on her part to deal with that. But she always managed to talk me through whatever I was going through and help me sort out my emotions.

"Is it because of the crowds?"

I shook my head. Tomorrow we would be going to the premier of the new Doctor Strange movie which she was starring in. I was already prepared for the crowds and the photos and the fact that we would have to support each other through our anxieties. My worries about tomorrow were actually much ... sillier.

"No. It's just that ..." I had no idea how I was going to explain this to her without sounding like a buffoon. "I know how draining this movie was for you to make. Emotionally, I mean."

She watched me as I spoke, her eyes filled with understanding and worry. I felt a little less foolish talking to her about this when she looked at me like that.

"I just don't know how I'm going to react ... watching you cry. And hurt."

"I understand." She stroked my cheek and I leaned into her touch. "Just try to remember it's not really me. I enjoyed working on the movie. You know how well I play emotionally damaged characters."

She laughed and I smiled slightly at her trying to lighten my mood. She was right. She wasn't Wanda. But it was still her on that screen portraying all that pain and suffering.

I took her hand and brought it to my lips, pressing soft kisses along each of her fingertips.

"I know it's not you." I mumbled against her palm. "But it's your face. Your tears. I hate seeing you cry. It hurts me."

"I know, dove." She pulled me toward her and I burrowed myself in her embrace. "Thank you for telling me. I know how hard it is for you to express yourself sometimes."

I nodded against her, sighing when I felt her pressing her lips against the top of my head. This would be the first time I would be watching one of her movies, and with how emotionally charged Wanda's character was, I was afraid I'd get overwhelmed seeing her so distraught.

"It's still kinda stupid though, huh?" I chuckled, my voice muffled by her shirt.

"It's not." She argued. "It's understandable that you don't like seeing me upset. I wouldn't enjoy seeing you the way you'll be seeing me tomorrow. Especially in a theater surrounded by strangers. Even if it is all pretend."

I nodded against her, closing my eyes and getting comfortable in her embrace.

"I'm sorry for waking you up over this."

"Don't." She stroked my hair, holding me tighter against herself. "Don't ever apologize for telling me how you feel. I love you. Just remember I'll be right there with you the whole time and I'm fine. With you, I'm fine."

"I love you too." I croaked, holding back tears. God, I loved this woman so much. "We should get some sleep now. You've got a big day ahead of you."

"We've got a big day." She raised my head so she could look at me and I smiled at the amount of love she held for me in her eyes. "Are you with me?"

I nodded, pressing my lips to hers and smiling, a newfound sense of confidence bubbling up inside me.

"I'm with you, Elizabeth Chase. Always."

What Love Tastes Like (Elizabeth Olsen x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now