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AN: This was a request from @katebemybish I hope you like it!

Lizzie's POV:

My eyes dropped from hers to the ring dangling from a chain around her neck. It swung as she pounded into me.

"Ahh," I moaned, brows furrowing as her hips collided with mine. "T-too ... too deep."

"What's that?" She cooed, bringing her face down closer to mine.

"You're - ah! - so deep! Inside me!" I cried out, my hips rising to meet each of her thrusts.

My eyes filled with tears as I felt my orgasm building, unable to control myself.

She held my wrists down, pinning me to the bed as she slammed into me. My eyes rolled back into my head as the base of the dildo pressed against my clit, giving me the extra friction I needed to reach my release.

"No." She pulled away just enough so that my clit was back to being ignored, but the long, thick cock was still buried inside me, unmoving.

"Please!" My hips jerked, but she pulled further away, and I was beginning to feel empty without her.


Tears fell from my eyes as the coil inside me tightened. I was so unbelievably horny I could barely think straight.

"Please, make me cum. I need it so badly, please."

I babbled mindlessly, squeezing my eyes shut and biting down hard on my lip as she started up again. She held both of my wrists down with one of her hands and let the other trail down my body, meeting the toy between my legs and finally giving my clit the attention I had so desperately needed.

I let go and screamed as I came, her movements not stopping against me.

"I-I can't do it again." I cried.

She smiled down at me, pressing her lips against mine.

"Yes you can." She whispered against my lips, her skilled fingers swirling around my throbbing clit. "I know you can, baby. Cum for me again."

I whined, my mind foggy with lust and the feel of her.

"I'm ... ah!"

I came hard, my voice giving out as I screamed her name. I could feel myself squirting, soaking her as she tore the orgasm out of me.


I heard my name, but I was still coming down from my extreme high and couldn't bring myself to respond.



I questioned softly, my eyes going from the necklace dangling in front of me to the beautiful eyes of my girlfriend who was looking down at me with worry.

"You okay? You zoned out there for a second."

She took a step closer to me, her hands cupping my flushed cheeks.

"Oh, I was just ..."

I licked my dry lips nervously before grabbing her by the hips and pulling her against me.

"I want you to fuck me." I whispered softly.

Her eyes darkened at my words, her lustful gaze trailing over my body. I shivered, goosebumps forming on my skin as her eyes burned holes into me.

"You want me to ...?"

"Fuck me." I didn't want to make love. I wanted to be fucked within an inch of my life.

What Love Tastes Like (Elizabeth Olsen x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now