Drink To Forget

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The air in the club was thick as I downed another drink. My best friend had just broken up with his longtime boyfriend and needed some time away, so we were out partying the night away. He needed to forget all his troubles and I needed to forget that I desperately missed my girlfriend.

We danced briefly before resting at the bar, the both of us just a little more than tipsy. He had caught the attention of a cute brunette with medium length hair and I was happy just nursing another fruity drink.

It was hard when Lizzie was away, but that was one of the struggles we had to face when she was filming. We FaceTime every night and text whenever she's free, but it was still a difficult adjustment to get used to. I hated sleeping alone once I started sleeping next to the love of my life.

"Hey," a soft voice greeted from beside me. I turned to look see a beautiful woman leaning on the bar next to me. "Gin," she ordered from the bartender before returning her attention to me. "You're the prettiest girl here."

I chuckled drunkly, shaking my head and sipping on my drink. "I wish that were true."

She laughed, retrieving her drink and turning to face me fully. "I'm Anna," she extended her hand to me and I took it. "You here alone?"

I shook my head, pointing over my shoulder to my best friend who was laughing at some joke the handsome guy chatting him up made.

"I'm here with my bestie, celebrating his newly single life."

She nodded knowingly, returning her gaze to me. "And you? Are you living the single life?"

I could feel myself smiling dumbly as I thought of Lizzie.

"Actually, I -"

"Hey!" I turned around, my friend, Nick, calling to me while dragging the man around by the hand. "We're gonna - gonna go." My brow furrowed, a pout forming at his words.

"But we were here together," I whined. Brushing me off, he waved and left. I couldn't stand him sometimes.

"Seem like your friend found himself a cutie." She laughed at my expression and I just pouted harder.

"He sucks."

"You're cute."


That caught my attention. Cute? I shook my head, finishing off my drink. Before I could speak again, she ordered me another.

"Where do you live?" She questioned and I took the new drink, not wasting any time in sipping on it.

"SoHo," her eyes widened at my words and I realized what it seemed like. "No, I -" I coughed, covering my mouth nervously. "I live with my girlfriend. She's, um," I wasn't sure if I should say more about her.

Anna's eyes shifted downward, disappointment clear in her eyes.

"So, you have a girlfriend?" I nodded. "Lucky girl."

"Oh no, that's me. Definitely me."

She laughed and shook her head. "No way. Unless she's a supermodel or something, there's no way you're the lucky one."

"Actually, she's a -"

My pocket started vibrating and I excused myself before retrieving my phone.

"Baby!" I smiled brightly, screaming into the phone.

"Hi, love! Where are you?"

"Um," my brow furrowed in thought. "A club on the upper east side. I don't remember the name."

"What are you doing at a club?"

"It's a long story!" I yelled, trying to hear and be heard over the booming music. "I'll tell you when you get home."

I couldn't make out what she was saying and I asked her to repeat herself but I still couldn't hear her.

"Baby, I can't hear you, I'll call you later!"

I hung up, hoping she heard me. I should probably get going soon anyway, but I didn't want to leave before knowing if Nick was going to come back ... eventually. I was gonna give him some time then call an Uber home.

"It seems like she makes you happy."

Anna. Oops. I gave her a slight nod, blushing a fierce red.

"She does. She's the best."

We chatted for a while, time flying by without either of us knowing. I checked my phone, noting the time and realizing that Nick had not returned.

A hand on my shoulder startled me and I turned, quite drunkly around, to see the most gorgeous blonde woman in the world.

"What ...?"

Before I could finish my question, Lizzie's lips were pressed against mine. I squealed as she pushed me up against the bar and my arms wrapped around her neck so I didn't fall. I could hear the people around us noticing her, but nothing mattered but the feel of her lips on mine.

Flashing lights interuppted our greeting, and she shielded me with her body as the crowd took pictures of us. My girlfriend was an Avenger, of course this would happen.

"Hey," she whispered down against my lips and I smiled up at her, pulling myself up to hug her tightly.

"I missed you," I slurred drunkly, completely ignoring the world around us.

"I think it's time to get you home."

She ignored the insane amount of people trying to touch or speak to her and led me outside to the car she came in. How'd she know where I was? When did she get home? I got into the backseat with her and forgot all my questions once her lips were on mine again.

I smiled into the kiss, pulling her as close as humanly possible. God, I'd missed this. I missed her.

"When we get home," I murmured softly. "I wanna taste you."

"Naughty," she chided teasingly, biting at my lower lip.

I giggled and rested my face in the crook of her neck, breathing in the familiar smell of her. I needed her so badly and now here she was.

"Seems like you really missed me."

"More than you'll ever know," I mumbled against her skin, licking where my lips touched.

Before I knew it she was picking me up and carrying me inside our apartment. When did we get here? It felt like we just got in the car. I could hear her unlocking the door, closing it behind us and walking us further into the apartment.

"I missed you so much," I whined, pressing myself close to her. "I can't believe you're here."

"Believe it," her voice was husky and deep with longing and I shuddered. Holy shit. "I'm here. And I plan on showing you how much I missed you."


AN: I decided to change POV for this one. Let me know what you think!

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