Rabid Raccoon

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AN: @spritebottle3000 requested this forever ago and I just suck so here it is, I'm sorry! I hope you like it.

"Excuse me ma'am," she slurred, looking over at me from the passenger's seat. "I'm looking for my girlfriend."

I shook my head and chuckled, keeping my eyes on the road as I drove.

"I am your girlfriend, Y/N."

"Oh." She said softly before running her hand along my thigh. "Hi, baby."

"Hi, sweetheart. We're almost home."

"I don't wanna go home."

"You're done for the night, sweet pea. It's two in the morning and you're completely trashed. We're going home."

"What about Aubrey?"

"She was sucking on some guy's face when we left. She'll be okay."

"And Joe?"

"Joe?" I questioned. "Joe who?"

"Joe mama." She said under her breath and I nearly crashed the car. This fucking girl.

I tightened my grip around the steering wheel and kept my attention on the road. Her hand was still on my thigh, stroking it mindlessly as she sat next to me, drunk off her ass. If she wasn't completely sloshed, I would've been turned on.

I turned the car into the driveway, parking it and unbuckling my belt before turning to Y/N who was practically passed out next to me.

"We're home, sweetheart." I took hold of her shoulder and gently shook her, rousing her from her sleep.

"Carry me, mommy." She whined and I couldn't help but smile. She was so cute sometimes.

I got out of the car and went over to the passengers side, opening the door and unbuckling her belt for her.

"I'll help you get out of the car, then I'll carry you, okay?"

She nodded wordlessly, holding out her hands so I could take them and pull her out. With an exaggerated groan, I helped her out of the car and she stood next to it, waiting to be picked up.

"Come on, my baby." I teased her as I picked her up, her arms wrapping around my neck as I held her close.

I walked her up to the front door and struggled to get the key out of my pocket.

"I have to put you down."

"No." She whimpered, holding onto me tighter.

"Okay, then hold on tight."

With one arm under her, I released her with the other and quickly retrieved my keys, unlocking and opening the door in record time just so I could make sure she didn't fall.

I walked us inside, kicking the door closed and locking it behind us before heading upstairs with my little bundle of joy.

I walked us into our bedroom, plopping down on the edge of the bed, Y/N still in my arms.

"It's time for bed, honey."

"No." Came her muffled reply.

Despite already being half asleep, she was being difficult, which wasn't unlike her when she was drunk. She could be a stubborn little shit, but I knew how to handle her.

"Baby, I wanna cuddle." I said, my lips pressing against her forehead when she let out a little whimper of defeat. "C'mon, let's get into bed."

She grunted at me before releasing my neck, crawling from off of my lap into the bed and nearly passing out once her head hit the pillow. I let out a soft chuckle and shook my head. I knew that would happen.

I reached over and took off her sneakers, tossing them on the floor next to the bed and did the same with my own. I was going to get up to get changed when a hand grabbed at my shirt, keeping me on the bed.

"Cuddle time."

"I know, sweetheart, but I have to get changed."

"No you don't." She pouted up at me, her eyes glassy with intoxication and exhaustion. "Please?"

I always give in way too easily when she looks at me with those big doe eyes. With a defeated sigh, I climbed into bed with her, letting her snuggle up against me.

"Would you love me even if I was a raccoon?"

I was confused by her question and just chose not to answer it, hoping she would just go to sleep and forget about it.

"What about a rabid raccoon? With rabies?"

"Y/N, go to sleep." I mumbled softly as sleep began to overtake me also.

"I don't wanna sleep." She nudged my chin with her nose, pressing a kiss to my throat. "I wanna suck on those titties."

"Goodnight, Y/N."

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