No Boys Allowed

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I was invited to a party at a big directors house. I knew Elizabeth and a lot of our friends and acquaintances would be there too, but that's not what made me nervous. What made me nervous was the kind of party it was. It was a sex party.

This director friend of ours was a bit of a kinky bitch. She was a lesbian big in the BDSM scene lowkey, but those close to her knew. And she was proud of it. I wasn't against BDSM, as a matter of fact, I was very interested in it, but I had only ever been with one other woman in my life and she seemed a bit too innocent to get into that kinky life and I never thought to mention it.

That was in the past. Elizabeth and I had been together in secret for the most part. She was still supposedly seeing Robbie, so we usually had to pretend to know each other only casually.

Despite our inability to be out together, we often hung out with the same groups, hence us both getting invited to this party. I was pretty sure the woman that invited us had an inkling of what was going on between us. It wouldn't surprise me. We weren't always discreet.

I entered the gigantic house tentatively, trying to almost sneak in but the hostess had noticed me upon entry, and stealth would be futile.

"Y/N, my dear, you came!"

"I promised I would, didn't I?"

I chuckled softly as Lucy embraced me, kissing both my cheeks in greeting. She looked around me, a confused look on her face.

"Now where is that adorable darling that's always attached to your hip? I thought surely she'd be with you."

I blushed fiercely and shook my head.

"I came solo." I took a quick glance around the room. "I'm sure she'll show up."

"Oh, I know she will." She winked at me, taking me by the wrist and dragging me to a beautifully lit bar. "Drink up. It's going to be a fun night."

"Oh, I uh, I drove so ..."

"Nonsense!" She raised two fingers up at the bartender and he nodded, pouring her drinks and placing them in front of her. "You'll need it."

I stared at the drink in her hand before taking it, figuring I could just crash here if I really got sloshed.

"Perfect!" She grabbed her own drink off the counter and nearly downed it in one chug. "Now go mingle. I'm sure you'll meet someone ... fun."

My cheeks reddened at her words and nodded silently as she walked away from me, greeting someone else that was just entering. Oh, what had I gotten myself into?

The party itself seemed rather tame. There were quite a few celebrities there mingling, some were taking advantage of the discretion of the party and making out with random strangers. I was sure there were people doing unspeakable things in the bedrooms on the floor above.

I noticed a small group of women that looked familiar and I approached them, surprised at who I saw.

"Y/N!" Scarlett called out, waving me over.

"Scarlett. What are you doing here?" I looked around briefly before raising an eyebrow at her. "Where's Colin?"

She smiled brightly, giving me a small shrug.

"He wanted me to go out and have a good time. So I'm out, having a good time."

I hadn't realized she had been interested in women. Guess my gaydar was a little off.

"Who are you here with?"

I shook my head and raised my glass to her. "I'm here by myself. To have a good time."

What Love Tastes Like (Elizabeth Olsen x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now