I'm Not Done

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AN - so many of you wanted a part 2 so here it is! more smut for you all.

"Are you sure?" I asked softly, the ache between my legs building up again at her words.

She nodded shyly, playing with the hem of my shirt.

"I wanna eat you out so bad." Her voice was low and she looked up at me from underneath her eyelashes, biting her lip nervously.

I took her hand and brought it up to my lips, kissing her fingers gently. I wanted her to feel safe and confident in what she was about to do.

She pressed wet open mouthed kisses along my jawline and I released her hand, which she wasted no time in bringing down to the waistband of my shorts, tugging them down. I raised my hips and helped her push them down to my knees.

"I love you." She whispered against my neck, her hot breath making me shiver as she slid her way down my body, grabbing my shorts and underwear and pulling them fully off my legs.

I watched her silently as she positioned herself between my legs, her eyes still locked with mine as she leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to my mound.

"Lizzie." I moaned softly, my hips jerking at the feel of her lips on me.

She barely even touched me and I was already moaning for her. I watched as she smiled and turned her attention to my aching sex, dipping her head between my legs and licking me tentatively.

I bit my lip to silence myself as her tongue explored between my soaked folds, tasting me. I released a shaky breath as I watched her become bolder, using her fingers to fuck me as her tongue swirled around my clit. Clearly, she was mimicking what I had done to her earlier, and it was driving me insane.

"Is this okay?" She raised her head and asked softly, her fingers still sliding in and out of me slowly.

"Yes." I whined, missing the feel of her tongue and lips on me.

She smiled up at me before burying her face between my legs again, her tongue lapping at my heat more confidently than before. I cried out softly, my hand reaching for her head so I could thread my fingers through her beautiful golden locks.

She hummed against me and I moaned her name, the knot in my belly tightening as she flicked at my clit with her tongue.

"Ahh, Lizzie, I-I'm ..." I whined, my hips rising to meet her eager tongue.

She grabbed my thigh with her free hand and attempted to hold me still, which just turned me on further. I jerked underneath her, trying not to pull her hair too roughly as I bucked against her face, but I was losing all self control and quickly.

"Lizzie!" I cried as I came.

My mind was flooded with the feel of her as her tongue lapped up the surge of wetness that poured out of me.

"You taste so good," I heard her murmur from between my legs. "I can't get enough."

My legs twitched as she continued to lick and kiss me, my eyes falling shut as I leaned back against the pillows.

"Lizzie," I ran my fingers through her hair, playing with the silky strands. "If you don't stop I'm gonna cum again."

Her tongue continued to explore me, discovering all of the spots that drove me wild. My back arched as she sucked on my clit, her fingers deep inside me. I felt my orgasm building up again.

My jaw went slack as ripples of pleasure tore through me. My thighs attempted to close around her head, but she kept them apart, removing her fingers from my heat and spreading my legs wide.

She pulled back and looked at me, throbbing and glistening, and I did my best to not shy away from her gaze.

"You're so beautiful." she licked her lips, her fingers sliding from my thigh to my pussy to gently stroke me.

"Ahh," I cried out, sensitive and exposed. "Lizzie." I covered my eyes with my arm.

"I want to know every inch of you." She spoke softly, her fingers still drawing small circles along my sex. "I want to taste every inch of you."

I moaned softly as she left a sloppy kiss on my aching cunt, shuddering at the feeling of her lips on me.

"I love you." I whispered, biting my lip as she looked up at me and smiled innocently.

"I'm not done showing you how much I love you yet."

What Love Tastes Like (Elizabeth Olsen x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now