Call Me Lizzie

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AN: this is a request from @Headfor5bucks who has been FEEDING me. I hope you enjoy it!

I never went out by myself, but tonight was special. I had finally gotten that promotion at work and it was time to treat myself to a night on the town. I had a nice dinner at a very fancy restaurant, had dessert at a small place down by the water, and now I was in a crowded, bustling club, getting drunk off my ass. Maybe it wasn't the best idea, but I would just Uber home later - I wasn't worried about anything tonight.

Four drinks in, I'm feeling myself. I slipped between the heated bodies of everyone conversing, dancing, doing whatever, and made my way to the center of the dance floor. It was a slow song, lots of bass, and I could feel my whole body vibrating.

I moved my hips slowly, rolling them as I bobbed my head to the music, my arms rising above my head as I attempted to dance in my drunken state. I probably looked ridiculous, but I felt amazing and I would never see any of these people again anyway, so what did it matter?

As I danced, I felt someone slide up behind me, their hands on my hips, their front pressed against my back. It was definitely a woman, and that intrigued me. I turned around to face her and I was floored.

She was beautiful. She had deep green eyes, long blonde hair, and the most seductive smirk on her face I had ever seen. I bit my lip and smiled at her, resting my arms on her shoulders as she continued to hold onto me, her grip loose.

It was apparent she was also inebriated; her gaze glassy, her hands sliding up and down my hips, lingering down at the hem of my dress, which ended at my upper thighs. She reached around and grabbed my ass, pulling me towards her, pressing us up against each other.

I could feel her heat, her hot breath on my face, her hands back at my front, playing with the hem of my dress. I turned in her arms, grinding my ass back against her front and I felt her moan against my neck, her grip on me tightening as I moved against her.

She completely surrounded me, her scent invaded my senses, her hot touch burning into my skin as her fingertips skimmed across my thighs. I grabbed her wrists and led her to drag her hands up my dress, letting her feel how hot and wet I currently was for her.

She leaned her head down against my shoulder, her lips attaching themselves to my neck and sucking roughly. I let out a moan of my own, my knees practically buckling from the feel of her teeth gently digging into my sensitive flesh.

I took one of her hands and brought it up to my chest, letting her cup and squeeze my breast, my heart pounding like a jackhammer underneath her palm.

"Do you wanna get out of here?" She murmured into my ear and I nodded.

She took my hand and turned me around to face her, her face flushed, her eyes darkened with lust. I followed her as she led me out of the dim club, the cool air of the night hitting me and sending a chill throughout my body.

She called for a taxi and we got in the back. She gave the driver an address and suddenly her hands were back to exploring my body and her lips finally met my own. I moaned into her mouth as she pulled me on top of her, my legs on either side of her, my dress hiking up to where she could see my panties.

"You're so beautiful." She mused softly, her fingers trailing up my thighs, gently stroking my covered sex.

I let out a little gasp as she touched me, my whole body tingling with the desire to be loved by her.

My chest heaved as she continued to stroke her thumb along my slit, and I grabbed onto her shoulders trying to balance myself. I was losing all control quickly. I needed her to touch me.

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