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"Oh, Ophelia. You've been on my mind girl, like a drug," I sang as I washed the dishes, trying to keep my mind occupied as I did such a mindless task. "Oh, Ophelia. Heaven help a fool who falls in love."

I didn't hear Lizzie as she wrapped one arm around my waist, dropping her cup in the sink for me to wash. She kissed my cheek, then rested her head against my back.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," I greeted her softly, a grunt was my only response. "Are you awake yet?"

I received another grunt and I laughed, shaking my head. I couldn't really be too surprised. She had been working non-stop between talk shows and photoshoots while she was here in New York. Once she heads back to California next month, she'd be back to filming her latest movie.

"Why don't you go back to sleep?" I questioned softly, turning off the water and drying my hands on a nearby towel. "It's still pretty early."

"Wanna be with you," she mumbled, pressing a kiss to the nape of my neck. "What were you singing?"

I shrugged, attempting to turn towards her, but her grip on my middle was too strong.

"Just a song I heard somewhere." I tried to turn towards her again with no luck and giggled. "Babe, lemme hold you."

"Comfy." She spoke into my back, pressing her face into my shirt.

I placed my hands on hers, playing with the fingers that were gripping into my shirt. As adorable as this was, half-awake Lizzie could be a walking disaster if not handled correctly.

"C'mon, let's go back to bed."

I felt her nod against me and I lifted her hands, bringing them up to my lips to kiss them. With her grip temporarily weakened, I turned to face her, cupping her face in my hands and pressing a kiss to her pouty lips. She smiled sleepily at me and rested her head in the crook of my neck.

"Do you want me to carry you?" I asked and she nodded.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and I lifted her up off the ground, cradling her to my chest. Placing a kiss on her crown, I carried her into the bedroom, her soft snores the only thing I heard in the quiet apartment.

Reaching the bed, I placed her down gently and she sunk down into the pillows, curling up and falling into a deeper sleep instantly. I pulled the blanket up around her shoulders and brushed a stray lock of hair out of her face.

Heaven help a fool who falls in love.

What Love Tastes Like (Elizabeth Olsen x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now