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AN: dirty talk request from @Headfor5bucks and it just got out of hand. Enjoy!

"You're going to be mommy's good girl aren't you, sweetheart?"

Her fingers trailed up my thigh as she drove and my breath hitched.

"You're going to do everything mommy says tonight, right? You'll be my good little cumslut, won't you?"

"L-Lizzie ..." I stuttered softly, the wetness building up between my legs the proof of what her words were doing to me.

"You're going to take my cock in that pretty mouth of yours -"

"Liz -"

"And I'm going to touch your needy pussy until I'm satisfied."

I let out a moan then, not fighting against her fingers as they just barely grazed along my soaked panties.

"I'm gonna fuck you all night long. Until you're begging me to stop because you're so sensitive. Why? Because you were a brat tonight. Teasing me like you did."

"I-I'm sorry, mommy."

"Oh, it's too late for that, dove. You need to be punished."

"Please," I uttered softly, her nails digging into the inside of my thigh. "Mommy, please."

"Don't beg now, sweetheart, we're going at my pace. We're doing what I want."

She pulled into the garage and shut the car, turning to me and taking my face in her hand.

"And I want to do you. And I will do you. Do you understand?"

"Yes, mommy." I whispered softly, not wanting to antagonize her further.

"Such an obedient girl." She gave me a quick kiss before releasing me, unbuckling her belt and getting out of the car.

I stayed sitting for a moment, waiting to catch my breath and to maybe stop the aching between my thighs for a moment. She grew impatient and opened the car door for me, waiting for me to follow her out. I licked my dry lips and undid my belt, slowly and shakily getting out of the car.

She closed the door once I was out and the beeping of the car alarm was all that could be heard in the silence of the garage. I followed her silently into the house, not knowing what she would do or when she would do it. The anticipation and excitement was almost too much, and I nearly burst as I continued to follow her steps.

She led me into the bedroom and stood in front of me, just waiting.

"Undress me." She finally spoke and I walked over to her, unbuttoning her dress shirt, pulling it out of the waistband of her pants and pushing it off her shoulders, letting it fall in a heap behind her. I took a moment to admire her full, perky breasts, free of the confines of her shirt.

Her eyes never left my face as I worked on the button of her dress pants, pulling at the zipper to work it down. I pulled her pants down, coming face to face with her covered sex as I helped her out of them.

I breathed heavily, staying on my knees before her, hooking my fingers in the waistband of her panties and pulling them down so she could step out of them. I carefully placed her panties with her pants and looked up at her, her eyes staring into my own.

"You wanna make mommy happy?" She asked softly and I nodded. "You wanna make mommy cum?" I nodded again and she smiled.

She ran her fingers through my hair and I nearly purred at the feeling of her nails scratching my head ever so gently. She grabbed a fistful of my hair and brought my face to her pussy, the musky smell of her driving me absolutely insane.

What Love Tastes Like (Elizabeth Olsen x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now