Going Down Like The Titanic

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"Hey babe?" you whisper, the feeling of your girlfriends soft lips leaving sloppy, opened mouthed wet kisses along your neck nearly making you forget what you wanted to ask her.

"Hmm?" She hummed softly, not showing any signs of stopping her attack on your sensitive skin.

"You know that scene in -"

"Don't ... mention any of my movies please," she pulls away from you, her eyes pleading with yours.

Confusion washes over you as you grab her by the hips, pulling her closer to you.

"I was gonna mention that one scene in 'Titanic' where they fuck in the backseat of that car." You tilt your head. "I've never seen any of your movies, baby. Why would I bring them up?"

Relief paints her features before her brows furrow in question.

"You've ... never seen ...?"

She trails off and you shake your head.

"Not even the Avengers movies?"

You shake your head again. "Not even the Avengers movies."

She relaxes on top of you, sitting comfortably on your lap and you can almost see the thoughts in her head racing out of control. Was not seeing her films a bad thing? You weren't much of a movie person, and she knew this, so why was this such a surprise?

"Then ..."

You wait for her to continue, but her eyes look downward and she begins playing with the hem of your shirt.

"Then what, baby?"

"Then why do you like me?"

You stare at her, almost unable to even process the question. Why did you ...?

"I don't like you," your voice comes out just barely above a whisper and her eyes shoot back up to meet yours, instantly filling with tears. "I love you, Elizabeth. What kind of silly question is that?"

She laughs, wiping away a stray tear that fell onto her cheek.

"I don't know," she starts. "It's just that ... most people like me because I'm an actor. If you haven't seen any of my work, then ..." she trailed off with a small shrug.

"You do realize you're more than just an actor, right?" She nods ever so slightly. "I love you for you. I don't care what your career is. I'm proud of you and I brag to literally everyone that my girlfriend is gonna get an Oscar someday -"

"I'm never gonna get an Oscar," she interrupts you softly, a small, genuine smile on her face.

"My girlfriend is gonna get an Oscar someday," you repeat firmly. "But, that's not the Elizabeth I fell in love with."

She sniffles and you brushed away the tears that rolled down her cheeks.

"I fell in love with the beautiful woman who loves to spend hours in her garden and loves to go out to eat at new and exotic places, and who cares more about the people around her than herself."

"Y/N ..." she whispered, her face mere inches from yours as you continued to speak.

"I fell in love with you, Lizzie. You." You pressed your lips against hers, pulling her closer to you as you tried to show her just how much you truly loved her.

She returns the kiss frantically, almost desperately, needing to feel and taste you more than ever. You'd never spoken like this before and now she was convinced you were the one.

"Wait," she pulled away, a small pout forming on your lips. "The 'Titanic' scene," she started, the wheels turning in her head. "You wanna fuck in the backseat of my car?"

You smiled, nodding excitedly.

"I wanna fuck you everywhere, baby."

What Love Tastes Like (Elizabeth Olsen x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now