Wiggly Woos

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The doorbell rang and I wasted no time in running down the stairs excitedly to answer it. Swinging the door open, I got into position, wiggling my fingers at the children at the entrance.

"Trick or treat!" They yelled before they realized who I was dressed as.

"It's the Scarlet Witch!" One of them squealed and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Trick or treat, little ones!" I put on my best Sokovian accent and scooped some candy into their baskets. "I hope you've been safe out there tonight." I bent down to be eye level with them. "I hear the other Avengers are out fighting bad guys."

"I saw Captain America!" A little girl cried out.

"Yeah, well I saw The Hulk!" A boy yelled back at her.

"Good, good, children!" I laughed at their excitement. "Now if you see any of them again, you can let them know you met the strongest Avenger." I gave them a wink and waved as they began to walk off with their parents.

"Happy Halloween!" I called out after them, shutting the door behind myself and walking back into the apartment where my girlfriend stayed in the kitchen making Halloween themed foods for our little private party.

"You're so cute with them," she spoke as I entered the room. I blushed, rubbing the back of my neck embarrassed that she had actually been paying attention to my antics.

"You heard all that, huh?" She nodded and continued to work on her bat shaped cookies, adding the finishing touches to their frosted little faces. "I really like kids. I can't wait for us to have some one day."


My blush deepened as I realized what I had just said.

"Yeah, I mean, you're my girlfriend. Who else would I imagine having kids with? The girl in the apartment next door?"

Her brow furrowed and I couldn't help but laugh at her jealous little face.

"Don't joke about her. I see how she looks at you."

"Baby, who doesn't she look at like that?"


"Lizzie. The whole world looks at you like that."

She huffed softly, continuing her hard pastry work.

"Well, she needs to realize you're mine."

I shook my head and laughed, removing my Scarlet Witch headpiece and placing it on the table.

"Did I dress up like her for Halloween? Or did I dress up as my girlfriend?"

"If you dressed up like her, you wouldn't be wearing any clothes at all."

"But doesn't that kinda sound good right about now, though?"

She lifted her head to look at me, eyebrow cocked at the insinuation. I knew she wouldn't take me up on my offer just yet; she had slaved away all day and I knew food and festivities came before sex. At least, on holidays.

Giving up, I shrugged, grabbing my headpiece off the table and turning to head back into the living room where we had an endless stream of movies playing.

"Alright, but if you change your mind, you know where to find me."

I turned the corner into the other room before poking my head back in and wiggling my fingers at her. She shook her head and laughed at me.

"What the hell are you doing, Y/N?"

"My Scarlet Witch wiggly woos. It's supposed to make you do whatever I want you to."

She rolled her eyes at me and went back to her baked goods and I sighed. Looks like I'd be spending the next few hours with Freddy and Jason instead of Mrs. Wiggly Woos herself.

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