Instagram Live - Y/N Edition

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AN: this was a request from @spritebottle3000. I'm finally getting through all of my requests! I hope you enjoy this and don't forget to leave more requests for me ❤️

"Hi everybody!" I waved excitedly as people started joining my livestream.

I was bombarded with questions about what game I'd be streaming next and when I'd be streaming on Twitch again since I had taken a long hiatus to spend time with Lizzie. I had done the occasional Instagram live, like I was currently doing, but it had been nearly two months since I had streamed on my native platform Twitch.

"I'll be back soon, I promise."

"She'll be back tomorrow!" Lizzie's voice came from offscreen.

"Lizzie!" I turned my attention back to my phone to see mixed reactions of some people talking about Lizzie and some talking about my return. "Don't tell them that."

"I know you miss it so much." She said as she approached me, pressing a kiss to my forehead before smiling at my phone. "And she misses all of you."

Lizzie when u gonna be on stream?
Play with Lizzie

"Lizzie doesn't really play games, guys."

"Yes I do." She said as she walked back into the kitchen, the chat going wild again at her words.

"She plays games like Mario Party and Mario Kart."

"And sometimes Animal Crossing!" She called out.

"She's pretty much taken over my Switch." I laughed.

Mario stream !!!!

"I'm not sure Lizzie would wanna play with me on stream." I looked over at her happily dancing as she cut veggies in the kitchen. "I could ask her."

we need a Lizzie stream

"Lizzie," I called to her and she turned to face me. "Would you want to stream with me tomorrow?"

"Are we playing Mario Party?"

I flinched and shrugged at her words.

"I don't know. I don't think so."

"She doesn't wanna play Mario Party with me." She directed to the livestream. "She doesn't like losing."

"You cheat!" I whined, rolling my eyes as she laughed.

"I don't cheat. I'm just strategic."

"She loses every mini game so she can get the bonus stars at the end. And she steals my stars whenever she can."

"Strategic." She smiled at me.

"But god forbid I steal a star from her -"

"That's cheating 'cos I'm always in last place."

"It was one time and you nearly strangled me."

"I did not. I only threatened to."

"You see how she treats me?" I spoke to the chat, laughing when she stuck her tongue out at me and threw a rolled up piece of paper towel at me. "And don't get me started with how she plays Mario Kart."

"I play fairly."

"I didn't say you played unfairly."

"But you were going to."

"No, I was gonna say you play like a lil bitch."

She put down the knife and wiped off her hands, then tackled me, the both of us laughing as we landed in a heap on the couch.

"Take it back!" She said as she tickled me.

I lost my grip on my phone and dropped it on the floor, our laughter echoing in the room as she continued her assault on me.

"N-no!" I giggled, trying to squirm away from her.

"You're not going anywhere." She clamped her legs around me and held me down, her fingers still attacking my sides.

"Lizzie!" I cried, tears rolling down my cheeks as I laughed hysterically.

"Take it back and I'll stop!"

"You don't play - like a bitch! You don't!"

She finally stopped tickling me and laid herself down on top of me, both of us trying to catch our breath. I grabbed her by the hips and held her close to me, capturing her lips with my own.

"You're lucky I love you." She whispered against my lips. "Saying I play like a bitch."

"A lil bitch." I gave her a peck. "'Cos you do. You bully me in Mario Kart."


"You purposely hit me with your shells. You wait at the finish line and hit me with all of the bananas you saved up."

"I can't help it if I'm always in first place."

"You're always in last place and you try to make me lose too!"

She laughed and reached down on the floor to pick up my phone, looking over the chat quickly before handing it back to me.

"Everyone agrees with me. You the lil bitch."

"Guys!" I cried out, pouting as I read the chat. "Why do you guys think I should let her win?"

"Because you love me?"

"That's no reason. I love my mom, but if I was playing against her, I'd beat her ass too."

"Y/N!" She laughed, falling back on the couch in a fit of giggles.

"They say we should play Smash Bros."

"What's that?" She asked innocently.

"A fighting game. You can still play as your Princess Peach, don't worry."

"Good. I love kicking your ass as the girly characters."

"Wait till you catch these hands as Kirby. I'll suck you up."

"I'll give you something to suck." She smirked at me and I returned my attention to my phone.

"Whoops gotta go guys, bye! See you tomorrow!"

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