Don't Stop

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"Don't stop," she moaned softly. "Don't you fucking stop."

My tongue moved frantically, her nails digging into my scalp, pressing me harder against her drove me absolutely insane. If I could answer her, I'd be covered in her juices, drooling, ready to obey her like a puppy.

She let out a yelp and grabbed onto my head, fucking my face hard. I almost couldn't breathe as I completely buried my face in her cunt, my tongue lapping at every inch of her. She tasted so fucking sweet and I couldn't get enough.

I could hear her screaming my name, her walls fluttering around my tongue as I fucked her. Her wetness dripped down my chin as she came on my face over and over again. I wouldn't let her stop.

Her voice calling my name was weak when I finally pulled away from her, taking deep gulps of breath as I watched her writhe before me. She was sticky with sweat; her hair sticking to her forehead, her pale skin glistening as she came down from her mindblowing high. I stared at her, wanting to keep this image burned into my memory forever.

"You okay, babygirl?" I cooed teasingly, rubbing her thighs as I laid my head down on her stomach.

She hummed and I could feel her fingers weakly threading through my hair, scraping gently at my scalp. I nuzzled my face against her soft skin, curling my body around her as she scratched me. This was bliss.

"I'm better than okay," her voice came out as a croak and I held back a giggle. She probably wouldn't have a voice for a few days. "You've got a magical tongue, lovebug."

I gave her belly button a little lick and she let out a tired laugh, wiggling slightly at the tickle.

"My tongue loves you," I murmured softly, trailing my fingers around her belly before following their path with my tongue.

"Is that all?"

I raised my eyes to meet hers and placed a kiss on her stomach.

"All of me loves all of you, Lizzie. Every inch."

"You're such a mush," she teased and I gave her a little nip.

"Don't be mean to me," I pouted, licking the small hurt. "Or I'll be mean back."

"Oh?" Her tone was playful but I couldn't tell if it was challenging or encouraging.

"Hm." I hummed in response. "I can be mean."

"Before or after I get you on your knees begging like a little puppy dog?"

I gulped and tried to will my cheeks to stop burning. She knew exactly what to say to get her way.

"I know you're my good girl," she whispered, her fingers stroking my hair. "So come up here and show me how good you are."

I felt her tugging on my hair ever so gently and I raised my eyes to meet hers, dark and heavy. I climbed my way up her body, kissing and licking at whatever skin I could suck into my mouth as I moved along.

Impatient, she tugged on my hair again, a little harder this time and I gave in, finally making it to her face where I kissed her full, puffy lips. We fought for dominance for a moment before she tugged again and I searched her eyes in question.

"Sit on my face."

I damn near moaned at the sound of her voice commanding me and I did exactly what I was told. I climbed the rest of the way up her body and positioned myself above her, her hands wasting no time in finding my hips and pulling me down onto her.

"Oh, fuck!" I cried out, grabbing onto whatever I could get my hands on to balance myself. "Fucking ... god! Lizzie, fuck."

I felt her moan as she sucked on my clit and I started to lose my mind. The headboard banged against the wall as I held onto it for dear life, using it to help me fuck her pretty little face.

She gripped my hips tighter, holding me still as she fucked me with her strong tongue. I couldn't think anymore as I tried to bounce and grind against her face, my hips practically moving as if they had a mind of their own.

She gave my ass a sharp smack and I cried out, orgasm quickly approaching as her tongue seemed to know every sensitive inch of my pussy. I quickly lost control and came all over her face, bucking and grinding as I rode out my orgasm on her tongue.

"Lizzie," I whined in content, biting my lip as she continued to work her magic to my oversensitive clit. I wasn't sure if I could cum again. "I-I ..."

She didn't allow me to finish the thought as another mind blowing orgasm rocked through me, her tongue not letting up it's assault on me.

I felt too weak to hold myself up. I reached down and ran my fingers through her hair and she got the hint, pulling herself up from under me and scooping me into her arms, holding me close to her chest.

"Look at you, two in a row with no break."

She spoke against my hair and I sighed against her skin.

"You had three, I think. I lost count."

She laughed and I could feel her nod as she rested her head against mine.

"I couldn't feel my legs for a second there."

I reached up a hand to cup her breast, fingering her taut nipple gently. I drew little hearts on her skin with my finger, then kissed each one before moving to the next.

"I love you," her voice was soft and sweet.

"I love you too. More than anything."

What Love Tastes Like (Elizabeth Olsen x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now