Bruised Knuckles

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AN - this one is another request from @flowerka_4 ! I hope you like it (:

"So, whose party is this again?"

"I, uh, honestly have no idea," Lizzie laughed nervously. "My agent tells me where to go and I go."

She squeezed my hand.

"And you're lucky enough to be my plus one."

She giggled, pressing a kiss to my lips. I groaned, but returned the kiss eagerly. These parties absolutely sucked at times, but being out with her made it worth it.

"So lucky." I chuckled softly, squeezing her hand as we entered the mansion of a house.

It was already crowded by the time we got there - a small private gathering, my ass. Whoever owned this place had a lot of money and a lot of 'friends.'

"I can't believe we're in Cali for four days and wasting a perfectly good night here." I grumbled as we walked further into the house, the vast amount of people almost making it hard to breathe.

I looked down as I felt her thumb rub circles on the back of my hand, smiling slightly to myself at the small gesture of comfort. I gave her hand another squeeze and followed her through the crowd, wondering if we'd ever come across someone she actually knew.

A waiter passed us by with drinks and I grabbed one for her off his tray, handing it to her which she accepted happily. She walked close to me as we navigated the enormous mass of people, practically holding onto my hand for dear life.

"I'm not going anywhere," I whispered to her, knowing how she got in social situations. "I'm right here."

She shot me a quick smile before finally noticing someone she recognized; a short man with very expensive tastes. I was afraid to even breathe in his presence just in case my poorness offended him.

"Elizabeth!" He called to her, and she bent down to kiss his cheek.

I think even without high heels she would've needed to bend to meet his eye level.

"You made it! And who is this charming dear?"

I zoned out as Elizabeth introduced us. I shook his hand and told him how nice it was to meet him but in reality, I was anywhere but there. I looked over at her and smiled when she laughed at something he said. I was entranced by her in general, but her laugh was something else. It gave me a high I couldn't get anywhere else. She made me unbelievably happy.

"Well, I hope you both enjoy yourselves," he began to take his leave. "So many people to greet, so little time!"

He was right, there was definitely more people there than there were hours in the day, and if he planned on chatting them all up, he'd be here all night.

"He seems nice," I said to her quietly and she nodded at me.

"He is. One of the nicer guys in the business."

"Oh, and what about me, Lizzie?"

We both turned around at the voice and stared in confusion at this giant of a man who approached us.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" She questioned softly.

"What? You don't remember me? Gary. Gary Weiss. We worked together on that photoshoot in New York. The one with the fruit."

She stared at him for a moment longer before nodding, smiling as she seemed to remember him. She was such a good actress.

"Of course, Gary. I'm sorry, I meet so many people on those shoots."

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