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AN: This one is a request from @iamwandasbitch ;)

Lizzie dragged me to a party on the upper east side hosted by some big time movie director. I would've much preferred to stay home and let her mingle, but since we were a public couple now, her without me didn't look good for either of us or our relationship.

So, I was dressed in my usual dress shirt, dress pants combo and she was in a beautiful dress with a plunging neckline. Sometimes, these parties were worth going to. She was an absolute goddess.

"You look so good tonight," She whispered in my ear as we got our photos taken together and I smiled at her, discreetly grabbing her ass as we posed.

"Not as good as you, my love."

"Don't start with me," she laughed, maneuvering my hand off of her ass and changing positions so that they were photographing her back, her hands pressed against my chest and my arm around her waist.

"Who's starting?" I teased her, rubbing my nose against her cheek cutely. She couldn't get mad at me for being a tease with cameras pointed right at us.

We moved down for the line of photographers to get pictures of us, well, mostly her, and finally entered the giant hall that had been rented out for this shindig. Even though I had been to plenty of these parties before, I was always taken aback when they were as fancy as this one was; there were chandeliers hanging from glass ceilings, expensive looking paintings, men in expensive suits standing at every doorway, actual suits of armor lined the entryway. It was impressive.

"C'mon," she tugged on my hand, dragging me out of my amazed daze, and leading me down the hall to the room we were supposed to meet everyone in.

Everyone there was somebody, or somebody that knew a somebody. I was a somebody fucking a somebody, so a nobody, essentially. She was instantly greeted by numerous people, all of them hugging or kissing her as she moved through the crowd, dragging me behind her. None of them truly knew her or wanted to know me, but she had to be friendly for appearances sake. Not that she wasn't the friendliest being on this planet, like a cute little golden retriever puppy, but it was hard to make connections in Hollywood that were actually genuine.

A big director approached her and started talking business. I excused myself from the conversation, knowing how serious those talks could be, and went to the, very crowded, bar. When I managed to get up to the bartender, I got myself a glass of water and got Elizabeth a flute of expensive champagne I was so glad I wasn't paying for.

I turned back to find her, but lost her in the gigantic crowd that had poured in from outside. Damn. Sipping on my water, I continued to search for her when someone caught my eye; our neighbour, the model. How was she invited? Maybe she was dating someone in the picture business, or maybe she was just hobnobbing trying to get into it herself. She noticed me and rushed over, giving me a giant hug and kiss on the cheek in greeting.

"I should've known you'd be here," she exclaimed excitedly, eyeing my two drinks. "Surprised you're here alone, though."

"I'm not famous enough to be invited as a solo," I laughed, gesturing to the champagne flute. "I'm here with Elizabeth. I was just looking for her, have you seen her?"

She shook her head and took the flute from my hand delicately, sipping from it without a second thought.

"I can't say that I have."

My words got caught in my throat as she took the drink from me, standing there dumbfounded as she continued to drink it without even acknowledging what she had done.

What Love Tastes Like (Elizabeth Olsen x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now