My Whole Heart (AU)

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AN: this is an alternate universe (AU) idea that just hit me quickly. I hope you all enjoy it!

"Get me Elizabeth."

The servant girl stood before me, shaking, eyes downcast and I stared at her for a moment before finally speaking again.


She stuttered out a quiet, "yes, ma'am" and hurriedly made her way out of the room. I smirked at her reaction, leaning back in my chair and relaxing a bit as I waited.

My eyes scanned the room, noting the fact that there were two maids cleaning the main bathroom connected to my quarters, and that there may be another lurking outside somewhere pretending to clean the hall. I would have to get rid of them once Elizabeth arrived.

Fifteen minutes went by before she finally sauntered in, looking unamused at the fact that I had called for her.

"You're late."

I fought hard to keep my cool as she all but rolled her eyes at me, crossing her arms over her chest and standing at the doorway.

"I called for you almost twenty minutes ago." I tacked on a few minutes just for the fun of it. She would be getting punished either way.

"I was busy cleaning the main hall. Polishing everything." She spat with disgust. "Just like you told me to."

I raised an eyebrow at her, surprised at her sudden feistiness. She wasn't usually so mouthy with me unless she was feeling bratty, and it didn't look like she was in that kind of mood at the moment.

I stood from my desk, approaching her with silent steps, her gaze never leaving my own. I grabbed her by the chin, lifting her head up so I could look down at her. We were not equals.

"That mouth of yours is going to get you in trouble."

"I thought you liked this mouth of mine." She snapped back and I smiled. I sure did like that mouth.

I gripped her jaw tighter and she winced, her eyes squeezing closed for a moment before opening again, now glazed over with tears that she wouldn't shed. She wasn't hurt, just taken by surprise.

"You, in the bathroom, listening to our private conversation." I waited for the two maids to emerge, heads bowed, before continuing. "Get out. And make sure the nosy bitch outside leaves too."

A chorus of "yes, ma'am" was the only sound in the thick silence of the room as they scurried out, their hushed voices becoming faint as they made their way down the hall.

When the quiet returned, I released the harsh grip I had on her, my hand now stroking her pale skin to soothe the small hurt I inflicted on her. Her eyes fell shut again as she leaned into my touch, her whole body seeming to relax the moment we were alone.

"Finally," I whispered softly, bringing my face closer to hers. "I have you all to myself."

Her eyes opened again once I turned us around, backing her up until her legs pressed against my desk. I pushed her down onto her back, my hand now wrapped around her slender neck as I tried to push her dress up around her legs. She moaned softly at the contact, her hands reaching down to help remove the garments that kept me from her intimacy.

"Mistress." she moaned softly as I gazed down at her, my grip on her neck loosening as I pulled away from her.

I spread her folds with my fingers, ignoring her desperate whimpers as I spit directly onto her cunt, spreading the moisture with my eager touch.

What Love Tastes Like (Elizabeth Olsen x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now