Merry Christmas, My Love

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AN: just some fluff for the holidays. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and happy holidays to all of you ❤️

"Close your eyes."

I obeyed my girlfriend, giddy excitement bubbling up inside me as I sat before her, waiting for whatever surprise she had for me.

The smell of sugar cookies and hot cocoa filled the air, silence took over as I fidgeted with anticipation. My first Christmas with Elizabeth as an official couple was perfect so far, and I knew it would only continue to be perfect from here on out.

I heard soft shuffling behind me and I squeezed my eyes tight to fight off the urge to open them. I wouldn't ruin Lizzie's surprise no matter how excited I was.

"Still have your eyes closed?" She called out to me, her voice farther away than before and I nodded.

"Still closed." I responded, shifting on the couch to get comfortable.

I heard her approach and I held my hands together in my lap to stop them from fidgeting in pure excitement.

"Just another second, sweetheart." She assured me and I gave her another nod.

I heard a bit more shuffling before I felt something get placed in my lap. I placed my hands on top of it so it wouldn't fall off, and it felt like a box. A big box.

"Okay, open your eyes."

I smiled as I opened my eyes, a beautifully wrapped gift box with a bright, red bow on top sat in my lap. It was huge, and I could only imagine what was inside.

"Can I open it now?" I asked and she nodded, a bright smile on her face as I examined the box for the best way to open it.

The top came off, so I lifted it up gently and inside was a pair of eyes looking up at me. Startled, I just stared for a moment before I heard a little bark, and I couldn't help but squeal in pure joy.

"A puppy!" I reached into the box and picked up the little dog, his tail wagging as he licked my face. "What's his name?"

"You get to name him. He's yours."

"He's ours." I gave him a pet and his big ears flopped around as he took in his new surroundings. "What about Milo? Do you like that name?"

"I'd like any name you picked." She said as she kneeled in front of me, giving the small German Shepherd a pat on the head.

"Even if I wanted to name him Gonzo?"

She nodded. "Even Gonzo. But, Milo, I like. It's cute and it suits him."

I gave him a kiss on his fluffy little head and then leaned over to Lizzie to give her a kiss too.

"I love you."

"I love you too. Merry Christmas, Y/N."

"Merry Christmas, Lizzie." I pressed another kiss to her lips before bouncing excitedly in my seat. "I got you something too!"

"Oh?" She asked, amusement in her voice as she took the puppy from me.

I nodded happily and jumped up from the couch, rushing to the bedroom so I could retrieve the gift I had hidden for months now.

When I returned to her and Milo, they were snuggled up on the couch and I was in love.

Lizzie's eyes lit up with happiness once she saw me. She gave Milo a kiss on the head before placing him in her lap, and I took the opportunity to kneel in front of her to talk to the puppy.

"Milo," I started, pulling the gift out from behind my back and presenting it to him. "Can you give this to mommy for me?"

"Mommy?" I looked up at her and she had a smirk on her face, and I blushed.

"It's not that kind of gift, mommy." I smiled and bit my lip as I placed the small box at Milo's feet in her lap.

She reached down and took the box from the puppy, opening it carefully before gasping at the contents.

"Y/N ..." she started, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

"Do you like it?" I asked nervously, playing with Milo's collar. "I talked to your sisters and they said you really liked silver so I tried getting something in silver but then I saw something pretty in gold and I -"

She silenced me with a kiss and I forgot what I was saying.

"I love it. It's beautiful."

It was a custom made diamond studded silver necklace with gold accents. Mary-Kate and Ashley gave me some ideas of what to buy, but I ended up making something completely unique.

"It took me forever to decide on a design." I sighed against her in relief. "I'm so glad you like it. Now we gotta get Milo a matching collar."

"That would be so cute!" She said excitedly before squinting at me. "We're not giving the dog a diamond studded collar, I'm sorry."

I laughed and gave him a pat on the head.

"Sorry, buddy. Mommy said we're not spoiling you."

"Not like that!"

"Maybe one day." I whispered to him and he barked happily at me. "That's my boy. He's such a good boy, he deserves nice things."

"He does, but no diamonds."

"Fake diamonds?"

"Fake diamonds." She nodded and I smiled up at her.

"Merry Christmas, my love."

What Love Tastes Like (Elizabeth Olsen x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now